Congratulations to our Class X students for achieving stupendous success in 10th CBSE Board Exams 2023-24. Yewale Harshwardhan Dadaso 98.40%, Kankhar Advika Sourabh 97.60%, Ahire Sohan Pankaj 97.20%, Gavade Aditya Dhananjay 97.20% ::City Pride School being a Konkani Linguistic School, Konkani Linguistic students will be given direct admission for LKG Class::Our school received " Maharashtra's Top Dynamic School 2023 " award from Education Today News Network::City Pride School has won the prize of Rs.50,000 as second runner up in the prestigious Seed The Future Entrepreneur Challenge at national level::Once again City Pride Group of Schools finds itself on the pedestal of the prestigious Times School Survey of best school in two categories, "Highest parent satisfaction" and gets the title as " Next Generation school "::City Pride School team of students won "Seed the future entrepreneurs" competition and bagged a prize money of Rs.75000 :: City Pride School Nigdi has won Sustainability Award of US$ 2500 ( approx. 190000 Rs.) in an International Competition addressing Sustainable development goals. Our school project ,named YUGMA is one among 17 International winners::City Pride School recognised the top ranked school of the City in the category of National Curriculum in the servey conducted by the Dexter Consultancy Private Ltd ::The best school, City Pride School receives International School Award 2019-2022 by British Council
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   Name: Kausar Muke       Date: 10/17/2023 4:01:09 PM

It gives me immense pleasure to share my thoughts on the literature Festival which was conducted by our City Pride School on 21st April 2023. It was an overwhelming response and much appreciated by the parents and the students too. Each department had set up an activity which made it unique in itsself. Teachers and students gave their best to showcase their activity in a beautiful way. I feel overjoyed to be a part of such an esteemed organization , where i get to learn something new each day.

   Name: Neha Nitin Madhavi      Date: 10/14/2023 9:17:00 PM

My journey at City Pride School, Nigdi commenced in Feb 2023, and it has been a remarkable and enriching experience thus far. As an educator at the school, I have had the privilege of witnessing the profound impact of an outstanding initiative known as Leader in Me. This program has been instrumental in shaping the development of our students, encouraging them to embrace qualities such as expression, empathy towards their peers, kindness, and consideration in their words and actions. One of the cornerstones of the Leader in Me program is the concept of creating an Emotional Bank Account (EBA) chart within the classroom. This chart serves as a unique platform where students are encouraged to express appreciation and share positive notes with their peers, effectively making deposits into each others emotional accounts. It is a wonderful practice that fosters a culture of gratitude, support, and understanding among the students. I am particularly moved by a heartwarming incident that occurred during my tenure at the school. One of my students, Arundhati Surwade from 5th JOY, took a proactive step to extend the impact of the EBA concept beyond the classroom. Arundhati, driven by a profound understanding of the programs principles, decided to create an EBA chart at her home, specifically for her parents. When asked about her motivation behind this thoughtful gesture, Arundhati shared her insightful perspective. She explained that often, as children, we tend to overlook and take for granted the immense efforts our parents make for our well-being and happiness. Arundhati saw the EBA chart as an opportunity to express her gratitude and love for her parents, to convey the depth of their significance in her life. Listening to her words, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and happiness. It was a moment that exemplified the positive impact of our schools values and educational programs, demonstrating how they can inspire our students to recognize and appreciate the profound efforts and sacrifices made by those around them. Arundhatis gesture serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of the Leader in Me program, highlighting the importance of cultivating empathy, gratitude, and kindness in the hearts of our future generations. In conclusion, my journey at City Pride School, Nigdi, has been an incredible learning experience, and the Leader in Me program continues to be a beacon of positive change in the lives of our students and having a profound impact it can have on shaping young minds into compassionate and considerate individuals. As we move forward, I am excited to witness the continued growth and development of our students, who are not only learning but also actively practicing values that promote a more empathetic and harmonious society.

   Name: Sangeeta Sawarkar      Date: 10/12/2023 3:30:03 PM

Teaching kids to count is fine but teaching them what counts in life matters. As a teacher, this is exactly what I want to do...make them good human beings. Being the class teacher of 8 V and fulfilling the responsibility of mentoring them has been a joyous process up till now and hoping that it has been the same for the students as well..The impeccable creativity and imagination of the whole class bagged them the first prize in the class event of Intra school competition. This has been a learning process for me when I saw them taking initiatives, distributing the work amongst themselves depending on their interests and organizing the whole event in the class with such ease and in such short time frame.

   Name: Seema Sunil      Date: 10/12/2023 2:42:50 PM

CPS has changed the way people learn and acquire knowledge, making the learning process more accessible, convenient, and interactive than ever before. My experience in CPS is wonderful everyday. Teenagers are at that age where they are exploring their interests, identity and figuring out their place in the world. As a teacher, its gratifying to play a role in that journey. Although its challenging to deal with teenagers, its not impossible if we realize that they are eager to explore and learn new things. One of the most rewarding aspects that I received of being a teacher of a teenager is their eagerness to engage in discussions and debates. Gradually, the debates turned to healthy discussions and I could feel that a bond between me and the students had developed. This year students from grades 7 and 8 bagged the first prize in Interschool Mathemania Quiz Competition conducted by Dr. Kalmadi Shamarao High School. It was a wonderful experience to be a part of the Competition. The Intra school activity revealed the immense talent and hidden potential in the children. I learnt how children have unity among themselves when I saw them helping unconditionally in the hour of crisis. During the Class assembly the enthusiasm and initiative taken by students depicted their spirit in extra curricular activities. The celebration of all the festivals in our school is an effort to instil the culture in our students. A student gets a well-rounded experience in the school. Its a holistic experience for we teachers and students.

   Name: Nitu Umesh Sharma      Date: 10/2/2023 1:19:03 PM

My journey at City Pride School started from November 2023. The pleasant environment here impressed me. The first program was Bhasha Utsav, which was presented in a very unique form. This was a new experience for me because I had never celebrated a language festival like this before. The specialty of this school is that it emphasizes not only on the education of children but also on their overall development.

   Name: Chitra Bhosale      Date: 7/6/2023 12:08:10 PM

It is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings. This first day of anything new is always filled with a mix of anticipation and nerves. This blog post is a reflection of my unforgettable first day of school. The classroom, corridor, and entire premises was adorned with cheerful decoration of Disney cartoons, balloons, posters, alphabet, and numbers. The walls seemed to radiate warmth, inviting the little ones into a safe and nurturing environment. The moment little ones entered the classroom, their eyes lit up with curiosity and eagerness. My primary goal was to make them feel comfortable, and we began with introductions, sharing names, hobbies, etc. The children with giggles filled the classroom. Of course, no first day is without its challenges like restlessness, tears, and occasional distractions, but they were overshadowed by the numerous triumphs. The joy on a childs face, as they enjoyed their new school environment was so wholesome that it left me with good memories. As the day drew to a close, I saw children with radiant smiles on their faces. My first day of school was an extraordinary experience, filled with laughter, discovery, and an overwhelming sense of purpose.

   Name: Dr. Amrapali Dumbre      Date: 3/16/2023 2:39:13 PM

Children make your life important. This is the beautiful quote that I experienced on Thursday, 12th January 2023. It was a pleasant morning when a bright eyed, 5th grader happened to walk past by the Counsellors Room. She suddenly stopped me and asked me, if I could recollect her name. There I was, trying to rummage through the past few years. She quickly came to my rescue and told her name and it all came back to me. She reminded me how I had motivated her during her Intraschool Competition as she was nervous. Well... It came as a pleasant surprise, how she still remembered me. My takeaway from this incident was that, we, as elders play a major role in a childs life. Children are so genuine that they remember all the small differences that we make in their life. The love and gesture that we get from the children in the school environment, cant be gained anywhere else. I felt blessed to be a part of this profession so that we can get connected to the young minds. There are lot of things that we can learn day-in-day-out from the children. This small incident definitely, was a positive reinforcement for me as a counselor.

   Name: Dr. Amrapali Dumbre - School Counsellor      Date: 2/17/2023 1:07:56 PM

Children make your life important-This is the beautiful quote that I experienced on Thursday, 12th January 2023. It was a pleasant morning when a bright eyed, 5th grader happened to walk past by the Counsellors Room. She suddenly stopped me and asked me, if I could recollect her name. There I was, trying to rummage through the past few years. She quickly came to my rescue and told her name, and it all came back to me. She reminded me how I had motivated her during her Intraschool Competition as she was nervous. It came as a pleasant surprise, how she still remembered me. My takeaway from this incident was that we, as elders play a major role in a child s life. Children are so genuine that they remember all the small differences that we make in their life. The love and gesture that we get from the children in the school environment, cannot be gained anywhere else. I felt blessed to be a part of this profession so that we can get connected to the young minds. There are lot of things that we can learn day-in-day-out from the children. This small incident definitely, was a positive reinforcement for me as a counselor.

   Name: Poonam Gupta      Date: 2/1/2023 9:00:15 PM

To my dear students of IX Vigour on Wonderful Radio Show Memories to Cherish. You have again surprised me. Once again you have shown Streaks of creativity. Blessed with brilliant sentinels to coordinate among odds, And a mixed bag of talents, you all contributed, be it behind or on screen. Some came forward with Blaring suggestions, some Silently fabricated marvels. Each tried to delight others and pulled out all the stops. Continue to amaze with such ingenuity and encourage each Other and bring out the hidden.

   Name: Arpana Sunu       Date: 1/26/2023 11:28:00 AM

My name is Arpana Sunu. I joined CPS Moshi in 2019 and since then an awesome journey of learning and teaching began in my life. This school has its own standards and that makes a difference in the lives of the teachers and the kids who learn here. Its not just education, its about learning for life especially when its wet clay that needs to be moulded for future. Come and experience the difference.

   Name: Arpana Sunu       Date: 1/26/2023 11:27:58 AM

My name is Arpana Sunu. I joined CPS Moshi in 2019 and since then an awesome journey of learning and teaching began in my life. This school has its own standards and that makes a difference in the lives of the teachers and the kids who learn here. Its not just education its about learning for life especially when its wet clay that needs to be moulded for future. Come and experience the difference. Its not just City Pride School CPS but its Changing Personality Sensibly too for life.

   Name: Meera Das      Date: 1/23/2023 11:48:26 AM

A teachers work is never done. She has forever to create and nurture. Here in CPS, we nurture kids to be sympathetic, empathetic and to respect each other. We mould them to be a good human being. What I admire most in this job is the trust and the respect that I share with the kids. The positive connections that each teacher shares with the parent, is something great here in CPS. My daughter studies in UKG and as a parent also I feel really proud when my child takes steps to prevent the wastage of water at this early stage.

   Name: Sushma joshi       Date: 11/30/2022 7:29:20 PM

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   Name: Nidhi Suri      Date: 11/22/2022 10:25:27 AM

The School has an Inclusive education facility where every student gets equal attention with care. The place where every student is free to live their dreams with the guidance of experts. Being a soft skills trainer I must say that City Pride School is setting an example of creating young entrepreneurs. Students are continuously motivated to work on their personalities and prepare for the competition. I am blessed to be a part of the system and happy to share my knowledge and skills with students.

   Name: Seema Sunil      Date: 10/12/2022 7:30:00 AM

This year students from grades 7 and 8 bagged second prize in Interschool Mathemania Quiz Competition conducted by Dr. Kalmadi Shamarao High School, Baner. It was a wonderful experience to be a part of the Competition, where the students were pouring out their talent. With Annual Gathering round the corner, the students are giving their best, revealing their hidden talents and skills. We hope and expect them to give a brilliant perrformance. One thing I noticed that the otherwise quiet students also have a lot to share. In all, its a fun experience to be surrounded with these little wizards.

   Name: Trupti Sandeep Pardhe      Date: 10/2/2022 3:51:26 PM

Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end. Rightly said after the end of the covid situation we had a new birth of Hope, Faith, and Positivity. As we started our new academic year, our year began with a field visit to all the Holy Places in PCMC. It was an experience that made us realize that a divine power exists and is in control of all situations. The blessings received by these divine powers gave us the faith and encouragement to excel in everything we do. It taught us to take each day as a blessing and to utilize it to the fullest. All I hope is that never shall devastation like Corona never comes to disturb the peace and happiness of anyones life. God bless us all.

   Name: Kausar Muke       Date: 9/26/2022 1:18:15 PM

No Water ....... No Life ......... No Blue .......... No Green .........., as very well said by Josh Tetrick, I feel very happy to share my experience on a water project which was conducted in std - I peace. The students made droplets of water using their creativity and each child mentioned the slogan "Jal Bachao ". I appreciate the school management bringing up such innovative and valuable ideas to teach the importance of water to students. I am happy to be a part of the CPS family.

   Name: Padmini P.Sonawane       Date: 7/22/2022 9:14:14 AM

A proud moment for Fine Art in CPS, Nigdi. VPA dept. introduced the KALAMANCH platform to Students, Teachers to showcase their talent. For the inauguration function, a renowned personality Mr.Salil Kulkarni from a Music background was given the invitation and graced the occasion. In the 11th hour, it was challenging to choreograph the dance to his own composed song(Hey Gajavadana.....). We the dance teachers were delighted to appreciate the talent of our dance students who gave their best through the performance. It was very well appreciated by the celebrity also. I would also like to share that our HOD Mrs.Kusum C. is always enthusiastic, excited, supportive, and has a very positive personality to motivate and encourage us in our work. And thus it was a moment to Cherish.

   Name: Kusum Chavan      Date: 7/22/2022 8:51:50 AM

I am very happy to share an incident while teaching music to Std.III-W students. Avyukt Dharaskar spontaniously came out of his bench and pressed one key (metronome) of the Keyboard and it so happened that the key complemented the rhythm beat which added to the song. That was the moment to cherish.

   Name: Shiney Koshy      Date: 6/15/2022 11:09:23 AM

Once again, the tides of circumstances have turned. Its Back to school, as we had known it all our lives pre-Covid. CPS as always, enlightened by its Mission and Vision, ever ready to embrace change, has set the pace of life for its teachers and students. It was certainly awkward to admit that I was an alien to a few customs and methods despite being a Citypridian for 2 years. This time as we direct all our energies and work towards our vision of Reaching new heights, I would like to plead the importance of finding meaning in our work. For what distinguishes labor from work is passion and foresight. When we work with these principles in mind and empathy and love in our hearts the souls we touch and the lessons we deliver will both find their supreme place. As a member of the City Pride family, I could say with confidence that we can see the results of what we pour into our students. Every classroom is as unique as can be, and often, a few lessons are thrown at me too. The spirit of learning and growing never ceases in CPS and that is the beauty of this jewel among schools. I wish all the teachers and students of CPS a most rewarding academic year ahead.

   Name: LEENA JADHAV      Date: 6/4/2022 10:26:12 PM

This year std X students gave board exam very late. Their patience level was tested. Yet they never cease to amaze me. They were excited to have a farewell party. It was a great moment for us too as it was the first one after the pandemic. It was a moment of mixed feelings like always, seeing children off is painful. The hybrid mode of learning had scope to bring them closer to school. I am glad that normalcy is slowly resuming. The new academic year comes with new responsibilities and like always I am very grateful to the management and my Heads for giving me an opportunity to work and grow in my space.

   Name: Vaibhav Bakliwal. Owner, bakliwaltutorials-IIT      Date: 3/21/2022 10:55:48 AM

For last 1.5 hours I have had the pleasure of visiting the school with Ashwini Madam and Deepali Madam. It was like going down the menory lane and remembering my own school days. I must say , City Pride is indeed a school with a difference. With the leadership full of passion, they are able to teach creative things to students and give them hands on experience in fields like electronics , robotics, fashion design, animation etc.Students having been exposed to 3 things at a young age will not carry any mental blocks and I am sure will appreciate these fields when they will pursue them in future.My best wishes for the wonderful work that the school is doing. Have learnt so much in these 1.5 hours and have really got inspired to do better things at my own endevour. Thanks and best wishes City Pride

   Name: Ramdas Salunke(Vice President, Service & Marine Alfa Laval India Private Ltd.      Date: 3/21/2022 10:54:49 AM

We are glad to inform you that Aditi has secured the admission in IIT Bombay. I would like to take this opportunity to thank entire CPS school management, Teachers and staff members who have been instrumental in developing right qualities, soft skills and thorough understanding of all the subjects for Aditi and shaping her personality over the years. I am thankful particularly to Dr. Ashwini Kulkarni Madam for her visionary decisions in transforming the lives of students studying at the CPS. The farsightedness that she has been adapting by exposing students for competitive environment is unparalleled. I believe the choice of right school is so very important for brighter future for kids. We chose City Pride School which transformed Aditi through timely interventions since the time she was barely able to walk and talk. At this point I feel our decision to opt for CPS for our kids stand truly fulfilled. Kavita and me are indebted to CPS for shaping Aditi for future which helped her immensely in her academics and helped her weather the highly competitive world outside. As a parent I am so proud of Aditi to realise the dream which once I dreamt of for myself. I am sure with this milestone she would be successful in every walk of her life. Kindly convey this to the entire CPS family.

   Name: Syamala Dusane      Date: 11/29/2021 3:11:15 PM

Students pass out every year, pursue their goals in India, abroad, everywhere. It feels proud. Now the proud feeling when students pass out and return back as confident speakers and sources of inspiration for the upcoming generations is truly worth admiring and satisfying. It was a great feeling to watch our ex-students come back and guide our students so well. It deserved a true applaud!!! Syamala Dusane School Counselor.

   Name: Gayatri Dahanukar      Date: 11/23/2021 4:04:27 PM

Over the years CPS has changed into various activities that helped the children to expand their emotional growth, learning, and their mental ability. This also allows parents to remain stress-free, knowing that their children are in a supportive and safe environment with CPS. The ability to access lessons, exercises, and interact with instructors in a virtual setting is now changing as virtual education enters the forefront. This year also virtual Field Visit was organized to an ice-cream factory. Where the students enjoyed themselves thoroughly along with their parents. At last, the students, the teachers as well as parents enjoyed the visit to the ice cream factory. Every child is a different kind of flower. All together they make this world a beautiful garden.

   Name: Syamala Dusane      Date: 10/29/2021 11:50:37 AM

Students pass out every year, pursue their goals in India, abroad everywhere. It feels proud. Now the proud feeling when students pass out and return back as confident speakers and source of inspiration for the upcoming generations is truly worth admiring and satisfying. It was a great feeling to watch our ex students come back and guide our students so well. It deserved a true applaud!!!!Syamala DusaneCounselor

   Name: Vaishali.Harugade      Date: 10/1/2021 12:28:04 PM

A school is a place where a lot of beautiful memories are cherished and year after year the treasure increases with new experiences. Everyone thought that pandemic brought life to a standstill but we at City Pride always remained connected to our most important factor-Our little ones. Though it was an entirely new experience for all of us , the grace with which the virtual school went on was really Appreciable. A big thank you to all. I would like to share an incident related to the Sustainable Development goal Project. The students of grade 5 Joy were working on "Partnership For the goals " for a month and went Twitter live . The struggle for the same cannot be expressed in words but the way parents and students supported in making the event successful was as if a great dream come true. Being new to the virtual platform and technology was entirely an adventure . They expressed that this was entirely a new learning experience, the moment they went live on Twitter. This statement became true for us : Path-Breakers become Path Finders. I wish them all the best to carry on this new trend in all their future endeavours.

   Name: Dr. Amrapali Dumbre      Date: 9/16/2021 9:26:17 PM

It gives great pleasure when ex-students call you to share how helpful the Mind map technique taught in the counselling sessions are for them and how best are they able to use it. When your student gives you positive feedback, it makes you feel special as a Counsellor. We generally teach study skill techniques to the secondary section to make the concept learning easier and develop their interest in learning. It is interesting to know the views of the students and indeed we learn so many things from them too. Exchanging the ideas together helps to strengthen the bond with our students. Lots of blessings to our students !!! Dr Amrapali Dumbre Counsellor - City Pride School (Nigdi)

   Name: Aparna Kadam      Date: 9/16/2021 1:42:12 PM

I have been associated with City Pride School for 11 years. And the experience has been full of learning and new experiences. The pandemic situation also brought a new side to this process of learning. We had to adapt to the new ways of teaching promptly so that the process could continue without any interruptions. We learned the entire virtual classroom method, new technologies that made our work easier but at the same time it was definitely not like the actual classroom teaching. But gradually the teachers, as well as students, adapted to it. The children were so enthusiastic that the transition has become quite easier. And the learning process keeps going on every day.

   Name: Syamala Dusane      Date: 9/16/2021 12:15:03 PM

It is overwhelming to know that you are accepted the way you are and overwhelming response by kids for your presence. It comes from the students who struggle to be accepted and loved, which makes you feel more special and accepted. This acceptance has taught me the importance of unconditional love and the feeling of warmth, without any expectations. Working with students who are differently abled has proven to be a challenge as well as a great learning experience so i really thank the importance of Inclusiveness which is spread around and the strong awareness about the same. Thank you. Syamala Dusane City Pride School.

   Name: Trupti Pardhe      Date: 9/9/2021 7:01:21 PM

"Whoever teaches,learns in the act of teaching and whoever learns,teaches in the act of learning" By Paulo. As a part of City Pride Family for 15 years, I have also grown with the school. I feel extremely honored and privileged to write about my school and it has been a joyous and a fruitful experience for me. The year 2020 had been a challenging year for everyone. It was a very exciting year for me as I had become a student again and learned new things in technology. Our school rose to the new challenge and our management guided all of us like a lamp and we could again "Reach the New Heights" from Physical to Virtual classes. And now every day when I see the happy faces of my little angels of std 2 on laptop I forget all my problems. This pandemic has brought us closer. When they eagerly show their rooms, garden, pets and their favorite places in their house during "Chit Chat session",I feel more connected to them. Just praying to the Almighty God to keep all of us safe and soon get the chance to meet my darlings in the school.

   Name: Poonam Gupta      Date: 6/14/2021 9:52:13 PM

Woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep. By Frost God has made a beautiful world with flora, fauna, mountains, valleys, deep sea, vast oceans, lovely breeze, and lovely sunshine. They all co-exist enhancing each other beauty. In our quest for development and technological excellence. We have exploited and harmed this wonderful creation of nature disturbing her equilibrium and threatening the existence of life in the long run. Basic things like air and water are full of toxins. Through our wrong actions, the ozone layer is depleting and sun rays have started causing immense dangers. What are we leaving behind for our future generations? New gadgets or unhealthy earth. We need to introspect as bank balance, luxuries of the world will not be able to offset the goodness of nature bestowed on us. Our actions have caused this damage and we also know how it has to be reversed. Each ones effort is required to pass on natures wealth and inheritance received by us in its pristine to our future generations. The future of our children can not be the sole responsibility of the government alone.

   Name: Supriya Gurav      Date: 2/27/2021 1:48:56 PM

I Supriya Gaurav, joined CPS as a Mother teacher and got an opportunity to upgrade myself as a Main teacher. I feel very proud to be a part of CPS family. Teaching these tiny tots of Kindergarten is a rewarding profession. This year new methedology was adopted by us that is virtual classes. I am very glad and want to thank the management and CPS family for providing training and guidance for the online classes which helped us to groome ourselves and take the classes very smoothly.

   Name: Shwetangna Prakash      Date: 1/1/2021 11:48:03 AM

As a teacher, I feel extremely honoured and privileged to write about my school. Yes, I feel very proud being a part of City Pride family. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone but here at City Pride it became a year of innovation, adaptation and learning. Amidst all the confusion and chaos, we rose to the challenge and our senior management paved the way as they showed great vision and insight in the troubled times. As we see the same excitement and anticipation in the young eyes we meet everyday through our laptop, we tend to forget we are separated and not together in the class rooms. The bond has become stronger than ever. We successfully completed our Virtual Intraschool Competitions in December. The energy and enthusiasm that the students and parents showed was infectious. City Pride School has a vision for an overall development of the pupil, elevating a positive culture on the entire teaching learning experience. And virtual school did not deter us from achieving the same. Looking forward to an exciting New Year filled with positivity, warmth, love and class rooms echoing with cheerful laughter of curious kids.

   Name: Madhu Narendra Pardeshi/ Narendra Pardeshi      Date: 10/31/2020 11:40:02 AM

City pride school (CPS), REACHING NEW HEIGHTS Yes! It is completely true. The school has the best management, the best principal, excellent teaching staff, of course, friendly and cooperative non-teaching staff. The school is focused not just on academics, but the overall growth of a child. Tons of thanks to the school, for the well-structured curriculum, process, and professionalism. The school infrastructure is well thought out and utilized to its maximum capacity. Ever since our child joined this school, it feels blessed to be a parent of CPS. The Belief in engaging the students in programs and activities that encourage them, to question and analyze the world around them, enrich their lives, and falling in love with learning. A very healthy culture of participation and a creative learning environment of the school have always been the driving force. Participation In various competitive exams and excellent results, getting recognized in sports at district to international level is some of the achievements, we have witnessed for years now. When the whole world was under fear of a pandemic, CPS was finding ways to build bridges and keep the process of education going. The school was very prompt and proactive in adapting itself to a paradigm shift of online classes due to lockdown constraints. The online/offline assignments are regularly given to keep students engaged with the concepts. The timetable was well adjusted keeping into consideration the health of students, and technical constraints of weekly power cuts. Keeping engaged a kindergarten kid to a screen and making them learn happily in the early and important years of life tells the wonderful skill of excellent teaching staff. It gives a fantastic feeling when 4-year kids on MS Teams say- Am I Audible Mam, Really! That is how even Corporates starts Skype meeting today. I believe a school community is known by successful Students and there are Plenty in CPS. Looking forward to many more years of being with the CPS family as my younger kid just joined the prestigious establishment. All the very best!

   Name: Kranti Nalawade      Date: 10/31/2020 11:33:23 AM

From the very start, City Pride School has never failed to impress me. It has been constantly helping my children to be better individuals. When this lockdown was announced, I was not sure how exactly their studies would progress. I was worried as this current scenario was so strange and unpredictable. But I was sure that City Pride School would come out with an effective solution and they surely did. One thing that really appealed to me was how efficiently the screen time was managed and yet the learning never managed to cease. We first hand saw how skillful the teachers were and how much of a stronghold they had on their subjects. They quickly managed to adapt to online learning and the teachers made sure that each and every student out there had understood the topic and managed to involve the whole class in the process of online learning. Apart from school studies, even extracurricular activities were not missed out. Virtual competitions, events, and webinars were conducted and there was an immense response from the children. Even children from lower classes were kept busy and their time was managed efficiently by providing them with various activities. In the end, I would just like to say that City Pride School always comes out of difficult situations and yet never compromises on its values of beliefs and tries to reach new heights every time. We are happy to be a part of City Pride School.

   Name: Mrs. Dipali Jadhav      Date: 2/28/2020 9:35:39 AM

I joined City Pride School as a maths teacher in 2019. It is a wonderful experience to be associated with CPS. I wonder how this one year has gone, as everyday I learned new things. As a result, I completed the new tasks assigned to me and felt very confident about myself. A big thank you to management, co-odinators and co- teachers as well.

   Name: Amruta Dike      Date: 2/27/2020 6:14:01 PM

It gives me immense pleasure to write this blog. My child studies in UKG class. One day when while playing outside, he saw a woman burning all the dried leaves and other dry waste along with it. He immediately went to her and told her that she should not burn such dried waste as it is bad manners and his teacher has told him not to burn waste and throw it. Thank you for imbibing such good qualities at this tender age.

   Name: Advocate Shweta Khot      Date: 2/20/2020 1:25:56 PM

Nanadan Rajesh congratulations, you gave one more Diamond to CPS crown. Congratulations teachers for your efforts. We are highly satisfied with the pattern the school follows efficiently under the guidance of honorable Smt Ashwini Kulkarni madam and Smt Deepali madam. Thanks to give us such wonderful stage for our kids to grow.

   Name: Prasad Arbuj      Date: 1/24/2020 1:54:44 PM

City Pride School is best CBSE school in Pimpri Chinchwad Area. I feel very proud that I am a part of City Pride School Family. Staff is very helpful and dedicated, which makes a very healthy atmosphere between students, staffs and Teachers. Our Director, Principal and coordinators continuously think best for school and students. Due to there efforts, we are able to give best education continuously. Behind every successful step and achievements, we have our Directors guidance.

   Name: Varsha gaikwad      Date: 1/24/2020 12:27:34 PM

I feel very proud that I am part of cps family."A child is like butterfly in wind. Some can fly higher than the other but one flies the best it can. Why compare one against the other ?Each one is different .Each one is special. Each one is beautiful".It is true that every child is unique. One of the amazing experience for me was "Ganesha Idol" making workshop organized by Sakal. It was a great experience and platform for child and parent to spend time together ,share each others ideas ,creativity and imagination . I am thankful to CPS for grooming me. Each day is a learning process in this organisation.

   Name: Anamika Verma      Date: 12/29/2019 6:08:26 PM

I have been working in City pride school for the past three years and under the guidance of Ashwini mam, Deepali mam and Maya mam, it has been a very enriching experience. I got an opportunity to learn and grow as a teacher. Working with the children in the NASA project was also quite interesting. While working in such projects students and teachers get a lot of exposure to a variety of concepts and also develops a good rapport and confidence. Instead of making teaching a routine job there is a lot of challenges added which helps to enrich us in various ways. I am happy to get an opportunity to work in this prestigious institution and will try to live up to its glory.

   Name: Mrs. Pallavi baliga      Date: 12/23/2019 12:31:17 PM

After teaching for 9 months,I am delighted to say that my experience in CPS has been fantastic.The coordinators,teaching staff,non-teaching staff have been helpful and at the same time the senior faculty including Director,Principal have been very approachable.One of the most striking aspects has been that all the processes are well defined and there is clarity on the expectation and the outcome.Apart from this what I liked the most is the amount of seriousness and focus on students to appear for competitive exams like Homibhaba,NSO,IEO,IMO,IPM.The teaching aids,infrastructure has also been top notch.Above all,I feel proud to introduce myself as a teacher in CPS and no words to express the kind of attention I get from the third person when they learn that I teach at CPS.

   Name: Rajani Mundada      Date: 12/20/2019 3:29:40 PM

I Rajani Mundada,the class teacher of II love have been into teaching profession since 9 years. This is my first year as a class teacher in CPS family. The very first though which came to my mind while writing a blog was by this proverb- Set your goals a little higher and work harder to reach them. You will reach and inspire others to follow you! I think these lines are apt for our school as it not only grooms us academically but also builds the personal qualities like leadership and teamwork, determination and flexibility, respect and consideration, confidence and challenges. Education is an essential part of our life.CPS is our second home where we spend most of our time where a platform is given to do better in life and to mould the little hearts into a responsible citizens of future. Our school emphasizes on the overall development of the students, where active participation is shown in competitions from individual performances and aspirations where the opportunities enhance the learning experiences offered to our students. If someone asks me what I have learnt from this school , I wont be able to answer it in one sentence. I will always be indebted to the school for shaping my personality, by having trust and by giving me a golden opportunity to take over as a class teacher thereby teaching me invaluable lessons.I aspire to carry on the values imbibed by our school to do well in life and make it proud.

   Name: Preeti Maurya      Date: 12/20/2019 2:37:09 PM

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or at eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. I find myself extremely fortunate to be a part of this institution whose strongest pillar is INNOVATION. This year I got an opportunity to teach mathematics to std X. With regular workshops and seminars, every day is a new learning experience here. The creativity of the students is just wonderful. I am thankful to everyone associated with the school who have made this journey enriching for me.

   Name: Leena Mahajan      Date: 11/30/2019 11:17:58 AM

It has been an extremely rewarding experience to work as a coordinator for standards sixth and seventh . Every day brings new learning and new experiences that help me get better and better. I have been associated with Homi Bhabha exams and teaching those batches has always been a very interesting work that has enhanced my knowledge and understanding as a science teacher. Here in City pride there is so much of exposure to students as well as teachers by means of having workshops, seminars and guest lectures. It has given me ample of opportunities to enrich my subject knowledge and also keep in touch with the current knowledge in my field. Teaching here is not a routine work, it is interesting and mutually satisfying experience.

   Name: Snehal Taru      Date: 11/29/2019 2:21:10 PM

As a teacher, I feel extremely honored and privileged to write about my school. Yes, I feel very proud being a part of City Pride family. City Pride School has a vision for an overall development of the pupil, elevating a positive culture on the entire teaching learning experience. We all at City Pride School try to build a strong relationship and always have a positive approach so that our children are benefited by it and feel motivated to achieve success ahead. Happier teachers and staff always lead to a better environment for students to learn and grow.

   Name: Mrs.Poonam P      Date: 11/29/2019 12:07:15 PM

The year 2019-20 has been a year which added to my overall grooming as a Mathematics teacher and a human being.Here in City Pride School, everyday is a wonderful learning experience with affectionate and talented students.My superiors and colleagues are very supportive.The most memorable moment for me was when my 8 hope and 8 courage class were enlisted in the list as 2nd and 3rd top mathematics scorer in Math open door exam.I am highly indebted to the school for making me a member of City Pride family.

   Name: Mrs. Bhavana Saraf      Date: 11/29/2019 9:01:45 AM

Children are the most precious gift of god .Every child is unique and some traits are hidden in them. When formal education starts at the age of six, they start to show their hidden traits at every given opportunity .This is when prodigies are discovered.In City Pride School we try to bring out the potential in every child by giving them a platform to showcase their varied talents. The most cherished moment I had this month was when I witnessed the painting exhibition of one of my students . Modern art and scenery were shown with vibrant colors and innovative artistic ideas. I feel proud to be a part of this institution which helps our dear children to bring out the best in them.

   Name: Rupali Zope       Date: 10/24/2019 4:04:31 PM

I am Mrs. Rupali Zope, teaching Marathi to student of std.4th and 5th. It is an enjoyable experience with these students who are innocent, loving, caring and a little naughty. On 14th to 18th of November, an Intra-school competition was organized. Students participated in large numbers. Their preparation and energy was just amazing.On the topics save tree and nature, patriotism, yoga, organic food and save mother earth, students exhibited their drawing skills through rangoli which was mesmerizing. I fully enjoyed my intra-week in city pride school.

   Name: Mrs.Anuradha Jagtap      Date: 10/24/2019 1:58:15 PM

To teach is to learn twice over.I feel very proud to be a part of City Pride School as a mother teacher . It has been an amazing experience as an Intra School Committee member .It was a proud moment to see my little champs on the stage as they performed confidently. Their enthusiasm motivates us . I learned to manage time and carry out duties alloted as I got opportunity which was given to me as an Intra School member.

   Name: shachi srivastava      Date: 10/5/2019 2:18:58 PM

Hello, I am Shachi Srivastava and I would like to thank all the members of City Pride Family, who made my profession so joyful and fun. Every single day over here is a new learning experience. Every single person, my colleagues, the coordinators, the school staff and most importantly the students, have something new to make you understand through the process. They inspire you to work harder and smarter in order to achieve the best and reach new heights.Thank you so much everyone.

   Name: Kausar Muke       Date: 9/29/2019 5:58:54 PM

One of the things that I would like to cherish the most as a teacher in City pride school is the way we truly demonstrate the idea of unity in diversity.Our children celebrate all the festivals of India in the school.Right from chanting the quaranic verses during Id to performing aarti during Ganesh utsaav,our children witness and celebrate all festivals.I believe that this ideology is unique in our school and through this effort our school is performing its part in creating unified India.

   Name: Aditee      Date: 9/17/2019 2:19:36 PM

Hello Dear Readers,fellow teachers, parents and students, 2018-19 at CPS has been another milestone towards destination Excellence! We had a series of blockbuster events, competition victories, some teaching failures and most importantly beautiful memories of classes and children. The highlight of the year for me was, The Student of the Year (SoY), Eloquest MUN Simulation and Bi-Annual School Gathering 2018. We as a team of 3 teachers, guided the anchors. It was fantastic to see them pitch in with their scripts, do and re -do words to achieve maximum impact in minimum time. What stayed back as a learning w as that the audience is a critical element. When we plan in accordance to circumstances, we become truly effective. Thanks to the team of anchors, who worked hard for the big day.

   Name: Mrs Trupti Pardhe       Date: 9/4/2019 11:29:44 AM

" A TEACHER PRESENTS THE PAST , REVEALS THE PRESENT, AND CREATES THE FUTURE ." Yes it is true and I experienced this when I was invited for an interview in the Radio Show of our school which was conducted by Std X . My interviewer was a student whom I had taught in Std I . She introduced me as " The Santa Claus of Our School Trupti Miss" . It was a very touching gesture as I remembered the time when I had made them laugh during the classes and during Christmas celebration. It was a proud moment for me to see my little ones are growing up to be talented and knowledgeable . This is the motivation that keeps me growing as a person and as a teacher.

   Name: Sonali Karkhanis      Date: 8/18/2019 9:15:24 PM

Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may be admirable, but it is a way of foolishness. Help them instead to find the wonder and the marvel of an ordinary life. Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and pears . Show them the infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand. Today in this competitive world we want our children to outshine in each and every thing they do . Why cannot we allow them to enjoy a game just for relaxation, participate in a competition without the expectation of winning it . Being an ordinary Joe is perfectly fine . Let us work together to build a generation with a kind heart, noble gestures and a helping hand which is the need of the hour and rest everything will fall in place . God Bless them all abundantly. Loads of love to all the dear children.

   Name: Rutuja deshmukh      Date: 8/9/2019 10:54:27 AM

I being a tabla teacher takes a pride to share the innovative subject introduced in this academic year. I am thankful to the management to always give a thought in implementing new techniques thereby a child to get the benefit. This year western form of percussion i.e DRUM have been introduced where majority students and parents has shown keen interest to pursue the knowledge. I feel very happy to get along with the subject.

   Name: kusum chavan      Date: 8/2/2019 10:14:54 AM

Its amazing to see talented creative generation.I feel happy to share my teaching learning experience std 2nd.When I was conducting class for std 2nd with one old song Remama re where the song has rhyming words ,teacher came up with an idea to derive some rhyming words to extend the song.It was surprising to see that one of the child came up with sensible words within few minutes.I feel happy and proud to have such creative minds in City Pride school.Indeed it was a cherishing moment.

   Name: Mrs Praneedha . Menon      Date: 7/31/2019 11:13:25 AM

It has been an amazing experience for me to be associated with SPELLBEE COMPETITION over the years. Being the co-ordinator of the event, it gives me an opportunity to interact with the students from standard Ist to Xth. It is a pleasure to see even the higher classes also taking spell bee contest seriously, even though nowadays they have auto correct option in all the devices they use. I feel overwhelmed when I see the smile , enthusiasm and curiosity in their eyes, when I enter the lower classes during the process of spell bee. They had given me a new name SPELL BEE TEACHER. I feel proud to share that since it is an INTER SCHOOL event, maximum prizes are bagged by City Pride students. Students are a great source of inspiration for all the educators. They bring in new information, new perspective and new point of view , include fascination with the subject, a sense of its relevance to life and the world. The quest for knowledge never dies and never shrink as well. I wish all the best to my dear students and hope they will win many more laurels in the spell bee contest and make the school proud.

   Name: Mrs Jalpa Parekh      Date: 7/18/2019 7:14:44 PM

Name:MRS.JALPA PAREKH DATE:18.07.19 ”PURPOSE OF A TEACHER IS NOT TO CREATE STUDENTS IMAGE BUT TO DEVELOP STUDENTS TO CREATE THEIR OWN IMAGE” It’s been 10 long years I hve been associated with CPS family as a teacher as well as a parent .It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of such a renowed institute.Each day is a learning day for a teacher as well as for students.Hence I consider myself to be most luckiest person. I have not only learned many things but have also grown as a calm and matured person.Every year new batch ,new faces ,different learning experiences .It is not easy to be a teacher.Somedays are very exhausting but seeing the smile,trust and love of my little ones I feel more energetic.. I wholeheartedly pray the almighty for choosing me and giving me a chance to work for the betterment of future generation ????

   Name: Lakshmipriya Nambiar      Date: 7/10/2019 9:31:07 PM

Making our children independent is the most important aspect in parenting. Many a times we end up doing everything thing for children out of love but, remember there is a line we have to draw between loving our kids and making them do task on their own. Give them one task a week. We may feel that the task is easy but accomplishing them will help in building the child’s self confidence. Praise their efforts even if the end result is not up to the mark. They should only be dependent on you for love, protection guidance and support and not on daily chores.

   Name: Shwea Bhosale      Date: 1/24/2019 2:35:50 PM

As a Pre-Primary teacher, I personally feel that the first and last day of school are the hardest. On the first day I start all over again and on the last day I let go of the emotional attachment and progress that was made.But most importantly what comes in the middle are the sunshine moments,where I laugh,cry, sing, cuddle with my little ones .I enjoy the most watching them as they play. I tech them to paint their minds and guide their thoughts.There is a special pride as a pre-primary and each day in classroom reminds me why I am there,for me it is not a job, I have a gift and each day i thank God that I can make a positive difference in the lives of children. Last but not the least I feel I am not just a teacher ,I am the manager of the worlds greatest resources "children" .

   Name: Rupali Zope       Date: 1/7/2019 11:03:03 AM

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! I am Rupali Zope & with immense pride I would like to say that I have been associated with CPS FOR the last ten years as a parent & now I am a member of the teaching faculty which is a great honour for me. I humbly thank the director of CPS For giving me an opportunity to serve this temple of learning. The CPS not only helps the students in academic progress but also instill in them moral & ethical values & that is why the parents entrust their children in the hands of the teachers with complete trust . The parents have great respect for this reputed institution & proudly say that CPS is the best school in PCMC area.l feel greatly privileged that I am a part of this family. My experiences here have been memorable . I have come across many challenges, with the help of my fellow teachers I am able to tackle them.I feel I am running a race & the result would be very sweet.I know that this institution will help me to grow into a better person. My heartfelt gratitude to all my seniors for motivating & guiding me . My blessings to all the students for a prosperous future.

   Name: Rajani Mundada      Date: 1/3/2019 12:00:48 PM

"Coming together is beginning Keeping together is progress Working together is success".I think this proverb is approprite for our school which always believes in working as a team.We all know that in this dynamic world if anything is permanent, then its only change.City Pride School with determined mission always designs and pops out with different activities for our children in every aspect of life ,be it world of science,education,competitive exams,journalism and many more which is worth mentioning. And I, feel so proud that I am a part of this institution. This is my third year in our school which has given me a platform and an opportunity to play a role of a hindi subject teacher along with mother teacher and five months the class teachership too, and this was possible only due to the amazing mix of teachers that I am fortunate to have whose guidance is inestimable. I am very thankful to Principal madam,teachers and the whole CPS staff and lastly the children for the joyful memories they gave and so quickly a year is nearing by,so silently the happiness is waving bye but i know this is not a full stop, my journey will continue in this school where I would be stepping into a new academic year with new challenges of the world.

   Name: Sandhya u. Patil      Date: 12/21/2018 1:56:33 PM

kids mind is like a clean slate. Guided play is very important for children. However free play is equivalent important for kids .It enhances childrens imagination .Once we conducted free play in our class, color paper were given to kids .A child rolled the paper and come with excitement. When asked he mentioned that he made a telescope. looking to the creativity I was completely amazed. Every child is different with a different imagination. Their imagination can amuse us. Our school gives them a good platform to explore and express their imagination.

   Name: Kavita Kshirsagar , Parent UKG Jerry Class      Date: 12/13/2018 10:22:18 AM

The teachers and staff received my child into the CPS family and helped him to settle and grow. The school is so driven in providing a vibrant learning environment for the children to walk into each day. I love how the teachers are so passionate and, patient, and how they encourage children to explore their interests. I also appreciate the comprehensive curriculum and how it provides a strong balance between academics and extracurricular activities Thanks CPS family for raising the kids in a balanced environment of academics and extracurricular activities.

   Name: Swati Warke      Date: 12/10/2018 9:50:02 PM

Teaching the little innocent minds of kindergarten in itself is a rewarding profession.Everyday though l face challenges, l enjoy watching them progress academically and socially with every new step.l enter the class with loads of new things to teach my younger ones,but at the end of the day I conclude my younger ones have taught me so many new things the same day.When l look back,l feel there would be no other job that l would love to do in my life.As a k.g. teacher l have tried to positively impact their life and would love to continue this years ahead.Feeling blessed to be a part of CPS kg section.

   Name: Jyoti.Kulkarni      Date: 12/7/2018 1:57:28 PM

Public Speaking is truly an art, which is quite difficult to master. But "Eloquest club" at CPS has made it simple and interesting. It was seen in recently conducted "Intra School" Competitions. Students from std 6th to 10th could express their thoughts flawlessly in competitions like declamation, elocution and extempore. It was amazing to see the confidence, style and of course the content of speech. Proud of my students and Proud to be part of CPS.

   Name: Dhanashree Dhumal      Date: 12/6/2018 9:27:31 AM

For many years parents are the guiding star of their child .Suddenly a day comes when they have to leave their child under the guiding roof of a school.A part of their heart is loaded with anxiety and the rest is super excited to hear something new every day.For we all teachers in the family of CPS teaching children is an accomplishment and getting children excited about learning is an achievement.We all laugh together,cry together and work harder than we ever think we could!Somedays we are trying to change the world and Somedays we are just trying to make it through.Our pocket may be empty but our heart and mind is always full of memories of our kids who have changed our life.Every sunrise makes us eagerly wait for those cute little smiles and warm hugs which helps us to grow . Thank you God for helping me choose this wonderful profession of teaching and giving us all an opportunity to be apart of this loving CPS FAMILY!

   Name: Shreya Sadhish      Date: 12/6/2018 9:20:57 AM

As your child grows up, you will see a new personality trait which is developed. A new habit is developed as each day progresses, your child will probably outgrow an old habit or form a new one. Some habits could be annoying, while others will surely make you feel thankful for bringing this wonderful new being into the world and having a new chance to raise a new life. Storytime, however is one activity that your child will not outgrow anytime soon. Whether you indulge in Bedtime stories or slowly making progress towards a better daytime reading habit for your child or simply teaching your child good values. Story Time is always special. Reading and storytelling with your child promotes brain development, imagination and creative thinking. The special time you spend reading together promotes bonding and help to build your relationship with your child. "Reading" if developed, can make wonders in the childs life. Anytime is a good time for a book or Story! So Enjoy reading with your children and let the habit be rooted in them.

   Name: Komal Shinde`      Date: 12/6/2018 12:10:27 AM

Since three years I have been associated with City Pride School and it is my extended family. It gives me immense pleasure to say that every passing day has been an wonderful experience for me. There are many experiences I have cherished but the most memorable one is the The Vaccination Drive Day which was scheduled on 3 Dec 2018. The little ones had to be injected which was a big task, the team of doctors, parents, we teachers everybody were there but the trust and love which the little ones showed in us really touched my heart.The parents were waiting in the waiting space and we teachers along with children were getting them vaccined , no tears only smiles on that lovely faces. I, as a preprimary teacher willl always cherish this moment. God Bless Them All.Keep Smiling and All The Best for your bright future.

   Name: Annapurna Oruganty      Date: 12/5/2018 10:35:54 PM

"The future belongs to those who believes in the beauty of their dreams " Every teacher, parent has an anxious feeling when their child appears for the boards ,This is the same feeling which I am experiencing as a teacher. As my little ones that is my first batch is appearing for their boards in March 2019. Iam honoured to say Iam very proud of their many achievements over the years. I wish them all the very best for their future.

   Name: JALPA PAREKH      Date: 12/5/2018 6:29:59 PM

Yet another year with CPS and I feel more energetic, enthusiatic and young. Strong bonds are not build in a day but they are build daily, Being a part of CPS I feel lucky to be a teacher of Pre-Primary section. Although I am not their parent but I care for them each day. I cuddle , sing and dance with them. I help them to grow , learn and explore new things . Every year new batch with new smiling faces but miss my older children ,But it feels great and proud to see them growing. Some days are really exhausting but when I greet those little smiling faces I am empowered beyound words. I have been moved to tears by heart touching letters and cards from children and parents. It is not a job but a gift from god and each day I thank god that I can make positive difference in the lives of my liitle ones

   Name: Sonali Karkhanis      Date: 12/5/2018 11:38:20 AM

How Strange it is, We want to wear high brands but we feel the most comfortable in pyjamas. We wish to sit in Taj Mahal and Marriot with elite people but we enjoy roadside tea with friends and with people we love. We wish to own big cars and go on long drives yet we talk our heart out only while walking down a long road. We have a 64GB iPod filled with songs but sometimes a song on a radio brings a smile that cannot be compared. All these sums up the core of life : that very small things bring immense happiness in our lives and they are very precious and treasured by us. These are the same feelings which , I as a teacher always have in my heart. The bond with the school, with my little ones are the most treasured moments in my teaching journey. Every batch has given innumerable experiences, lovely moments which still brings a smile on my face when I recollect them. The sweet smile on the faces , the tiny flowers, the handmade greetings and the urge to share the secrets with a belief that the secret will be safe showcase their immense love for their teacher which is a treasure for every teacher. The passion of being a pre primary teacher is the best thing that has happened in my life, To be associated with the most innocent age group is a" blessing" in itself. The moments spent with each batch are cherished and special . There is a sense of happiness and pride whenever I see my tiny tots who are now in their High School , Middle School achieving new heights . May every passing year fill your lives with happiness, sucess, good health and the most important the urge to become a good human being .Wish all my dear children " Best Of Luck " for their future journey . Loveyou loads and God Bless .

   Name: Lubna Shaikh      Date: 12/5/2018 9:15:58 AM

After a short break of one year, when I rejoined the school in 2018-19, the best part was that all my previous students welcomed me in a very beautiful way. Each one of them were excited to see their teacher again. This is what the best part of teaching profession, whatever we give to our students we get it back in the form of love and trust.

   Name: Kusum Chavan       Date: 12/4/2018 2:47:50 PM

As a music teacher has mix feeling for today generation for their liking for music. The Radio Show and the Intra School Event has tried to overcome the mix feeling for music of today generation with their tastes and choices for music , songs etc.... Students are simply amazing with their performances. Lots of potential is been seen among students which gives the proud feeling.

   Name: Sayali Bhide      Date: 12/4/2018 2:41:56 PM

Intra- School Selection round gave me the immense pleasure to see the students opting for various instruments other than Harmonium. Feel happy to see the keen interest of parents as well as students to take the efforts to learn music subject. Amazing performances were observed in the final round which cherished me as a Harmonium teacher.

   Name: Smita menon      Date: 12/3/2018 1:17:05 PM

Field visit in katraj zoo with children was a memorable one as children were literally waving at the animals and wishing them a hello .When the public were irritating them our children were respecting them. I was feeling very happy as we just finished with the lesson Amazing Zoo and Joy in the jungle both were related to zoo manners and respecting them . My children followed the moral of the story and practised it even outside that was a joyful momment for me.

   Name: Asif Tamboli      Date: 12/1/2018 4:27:14 PM

Sports play a very valuable role in our life. It is given much importance since the ancient time. Its a very precise and more intense exercise. At City Pride School sports is considered as the backbone of each child as it educates them to develop a fit body and a healthy mind. Sports teaches various qualities like tolerance, discipline, patience, dedication and value of team spirit. It helps to combat stress. It is a way of entertainment to the players. It improves physical strength, mental power and concentration level. It is the best way to get involved in continuous physical activities. Any sport is directly proportional with the physical, physiological, mental and intellectual health of the person.Sports benefits a person in many ways and good health and peaceful mind are the two most promised outcomes of sports.

   Name: jeetkaur Sodhi      Date: 12/1/2018 3:29:14 PM

I feel proud to be a part of City Pride School. As this year I felt very happy and honored when a song was sung by the music teachers and played on CPS Radio, written by me. All the students and teachers appreciated me for it. This was a memorable moment of my life. I thank the entire CPS team for encouraging me, as it would not be possible without their trust.

   Name: sangeeta Kulkarni      Date: 12/1/2018 3:25:00 PM

I am very happy to be a part of City Pride School. I would like to share an experience with all of you. During the Childrens Day celebrations , I got an opportunity to present a skit for my beloved children. I could see the twinkle in their eyes and happiness on their faces. That gave me an immense pleasure and made me feel proud.

   Name: renuka patil      Date: 11/30/2018 4:09:37 PM

The most cherished moment, I cherish every moment that I spend with my students.The children come up with surprising responses to questions asked by teachers.On one such occasion, the science teacher asked why tables and benches do not breathe. Some of the students innocently answered that because they do not have a nose.Again, during Hindi period the teacher tried to inspire them to write fast and said that she would give star to the student who writes as fast as a bullet train. One student innocently said,"Miss, my train is a local train and it stops at every station". Children are bright and can make hilarious comments at time. As teachers, we often get the opportunity to enjoy such moments.

   Name: Ritu Jain       Date: 11/29/2018 3:43:06 PM

City Pride School strongly believes in inculcating some innovative ideas in children and as well as in teachers, every year. This year I got an opportunity to be a part of video journalism. It is a step forward for CPS students and teachers too. I got to learn many new things and concepts about video journalism. It is very exciting to move around with the young reporters to shoot different events. A lot of confidence is being built in them through this activity. It is wonderful to see them working collaboratively. Overall it is really a very inspiring experience of the year.

   Name: Varsha Salvi      Date: 11/26/2018 1:11:11 PM

A nations culture resides in the hearts and soul of its people.There was an atmosphere of excitement and activity at the City Pride School when the school organized an eco-friendly Ganesh idol making workshop, in collaboration with Sakal, to sensitize teachers, parents and students as a head of Sakal the event was planned and executed by me and many teachers. The main aim of it the workshop was to teach the students the basics of sculpting an environment-friendly Ganesh idol, just in time for the festive season.This also was an effort by the school to inculcate cultural and eco-friendly values in children, with a positive support from their parents and teachers. The environment matters and this exercise helped us to encourage this idea in students and their families. The participants could not get enough of sculpting, it was a new way of expressing their art and they were showcasing their talents in a very effective way. The end results were beautiful Ganesh idols seen everywhere, uniquely shaped with little fingers into divine forms. This was one of the most memorable days of my life. I thank my Principal and my seniors to have faith in me.

   Name: Gayatri Dahanukar      Date: 11/22/2018 3:28:22 PM

"The best teacher teach from the heart,not from the book". This came true in city pride school,here are equal opportunity to every teacher and students.One such activity of "Ganesh Idol" making was organised by Sakal.This event was well planned and executed by our teachers.This was one of the most memorable day of my life as I was a part of this event. Bringing orchids to work for this day was very meaningful ,fun and really colorful. Thank you

   Name: Shobana Gopalkrishnan      Date: 11/15/2018 1:34:07 PM

The moment the topic history pops in any conversation it signifies boredom. This is precisely how our students feel during history lecture.Long notes, drowsy,boring etc.. It made me think how can history be boring....... after all everyone likes stories and as far as I know history is a story,a story about our very own existence in the planet. How can it not be important. How can we not analyse it and apply it to our present. No one should make the same mistake twice. We can not yet have another world war. We must know what were the causes that led human beings kill each other so mercilessly. I thought, what if I taught my students how to imagine, like getting on a time machine and seeing things for themselves, like a story. The moment I applied this technique in my teaching it made a drastic difference in the attention span of every student in my class. Now my students wait without patience for the next history period. This is my moment to cherish and a moment to cherish for all my students.

   Name: Padmaja Sathye      Date: 11/15/2018 9:56:43 AM

Being a teacher is a wonderful experience, you see children growing in front of you, learning, playing and above all the feeling that you are responsible for changing their lives gives immense happiness. This childrens day, teachers organised fun activities for the students, arranged a radio show and the affection given by the children to the teachers made our day. I am proud to be a teacher.

   Name: Leena Jadhav      Date: 10/26/2018 3:48:00 PM

What a wonderful radio show we had today! There is no dearth of talent in our school, especially in std X Faith and Hope. The RJs, the interview with Velamma Miss, the pranks and comedy kept everyone in splits while the songs sung by our children mesmerised the audience. This was the last show by the present std x students so they gave it their best. Each time the students come up with different ideas and hilarious situations to keep the listeners in rapid attention. great job all my radio show children of 2018-19. God Bless U!. This time we introduced the Radio Jingle. i am glad that children liked it. The music dept. , students of std IX , Ashwini Madam contributed in this jingle. Great job all!

   Name: kausar Muke      Date: 10/25/2018 1:25:52 PM

Today I feel very proud and privileged to write and share my thoughts about the children of my class I love. Our children are being groomed through many activities.GAIT (Grooming, Artistic ,Innovation and Talent) Being one of them. GAIT enables children to discover their creative potential,using movement as medium of expression. I have observed a drastic change i am our tiny tots after the beginning of this course .As they express their feelings, thoughts and observation confidently with different activity and dramas . My kids , those who were introvert, have started expressing themselves.

   Name: Vedika Bulunge       Date: 10/24/2018 3:59:58 PM

Witnessing such a wonderful event like Super Achievers held in CPS made me very proud. I really appreciate the thought behind the program that is, "Why is it celebrated every year? " It is not just to showcase the achievements of CPS but to create an urge of success among the students in all fields and to prepare future kind hearted leaders endeavoring careers in various fields. I cherished the moment when one of my student got a medal for IPM exam as the exam is regarding Math and I can proudly say that I also contribute at some level towards his success being his Math teacher .

   Name: Anuradha Bhatnagar      Date: 9/30/2018 10:30:05 PM

Hello Every body, I am one of the newest members of the CPS family. In this short span of time,I have gathered many memorable experiences that highlight the ethos of this institution. CPS has a tradition of felicitating Maushis and Kakas on Teachers Day. I feel that this a wonderful effort to recognise the importance of those people who are indispensable for smooth functioning of the institution. Through this practice, we try to impress upon the children that every person is important and every profession is respectable. I feel that this seemingly tiny effort will go a long way towards bridging gaps between people.

   Name: shachi srivastava      Date: 9/22/2018 3:35:22 PM

Hello,I am Shachi Srivastava and I would like to thank all the members of City Pride Family, who made my profession so joyful and fun. Every single day over here is a new learning experience. Every single person, my collegues, the coordinators, the school staff and most importantly the students, have something new to make you understand through the process. They inspire you to work harder and smarter in order to achieve the best and reach new heights.Thank you so much everyone. Shachi Srivastava

   Name: Surekha G Joshi      Date: 9/4/2018 6:58:43 PM

"Freedom is really the opportunity to live life with the opportunity, time and the resources to do what you are meant to do given who you are".I feel very fortunate that I got this freedom to put my thoughts through this blog as a member of CPS family I am a subject teacher of II joy teaching EVS/GK to my little champs. Before joining CPS I always had a dream to be part of CPS which is the best and benchmark school. I took no time to realize the top position of school is a result of exceptionally great management. School is perfect from all the dimensions, I.e. Visionary leadership, Well defined roadmap, Foundation principles, Process governance.Contributing as a member of different activities like YBSC, Intraschool competition, I realized that, no doubt CPS has achieved Excellence through defined teaching standards and experienced Teaching Staff. Scientific teaching aids and involved participation from teacher and student make learning experience happy and path meaningful.School brings continuous improvement through various initiatives. Learning and training are one of the key initiative practiced at CPS, through which various workshops are organized for teachers providing access to global best practices. In CPS ecosystem management promotes adaptation of best practices within the system which leads to teacher motivating students for multidimensional growth. The school has a unique approach of focusing each and every student bringing attention towards core concepts and helping a child to develop its capabilities. Building team skills and creativity within student through interactive and activity based teaching is the key strength of CPS practices. While contributing to teaching as a core responsibility, I also got an opportunity to work on other initiatives. Learning is the journey but I would say CPS is the destination to be part of this journey. I am having a great gratitude towards CPS family for believing in me and my capabilities.

   Name: Praneedha Menon      Date: 8/31/2018 9:17:12 AM

I look forward for the morning Assembly, especially on all wednesday, Where the whole school community meet together and cultivate a sense of belonging towards the school. It provides a training platform for both students and teachers in sharing ideas about culture, festivals and current affairs. The skit presented during the assembly are developed by planning and practicing , to encourage students to reflect values such as love, peace, truth, cooperation and respect . I acknowledge with deep gratitude the inspiration of many teachers , who have so powerfully contributed to the ideas. THE WHOLE SCHOOL RISE AND SHINE DURING MORNING ASSEMBLY AT CITY PRIDE SCHOOL.

   Name: reshma chavan      Date: 8/31/2018 7:56:33 AM


   Name: Mrs. Saylee Sonawane.      Date: 8/30/2018 1:02:34 PM

CPS students and staff are very fortunate to get the best infrastructure on everyday of work routine. Being a dance teacher I am happy to avail the facility of separate dance room with the complete decor required. Me and my students are looking forward for completion of room, where we can get along with beautiful dance performances. Thankful to the management.

   Name: Swati Bhagat      Date: 8/29/2018 3:22:42 PM

"Dream big , it will come true." Being a city pridian was a dream for me and finally my dream has come true. I am greatly honoured to be a part of CPS. I am 2nd peace class teacher and I have got a batch of intellectual children. Till now I have seen many drastic changes in my tiny tots and it is really appreciable. They make me feel my classroom as my second home and I am very happy with them. One thing I like about this school is the way we introduce the concept to the students with the help of teaching aids. I am blessed that in CPS I surround myself with happy, warm and genuine people and I am very thankful to my seniors, my co-ordinator and my colleagues to make me a part of the family. "The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill and the willingness to learn is a choice" and I choose CPS as a learning curve.

   Name: Anagha Joshi      Date: 8/29/2018 1:09:14 PM

As a Music teacher I began with full spirit to execute all the innovative musical knowledge and transmit it to my students. Where many Inter/Intra school competitions/events made me do so. Till date I enjoyed teaching learning process and very happy to see my heads, coordinators, students and parents cooperating for the same. I can see the competitive spirit through students participation. Me and my students enjoy it.

   Name: Varsha Ahire      Date: 8/23/2018 2:53:05 PM

Life is not about the steps you have taken but the footprints you have left behind. I feel honored to share that I have many happiest and proudest moments since I am working in pre-primary section of CPS since last 12 years. Pre-primary teacher is the first person who guides and shapes the young minds to begin their journey towards successful life. On one of the interaction day one of the parent shared his thought.Each teacher knows their students very well but there are only few teachers who know the childrens inner strength, qualities and hidden potential which only the parent of that child knows. As a teacher you have very well channelized the hidden capabilities of the child to the optimum.This moment really touched me as I could see the satisfaction in the parents eyes. Every year I enjoy watching my little ones as they are learning the new concepts and progress both academically and socially. It is amazing to know that KG teachers teaching is the foundation for their entire educational experience which creates positive impact in the childrens life. It is a blessing each day to be surrounded by children who trust me with their hugs, with their sweet words, and so much more. As it is rightly said that teaching is a noble and rewarding profession, I feel myself blessed for having this opportunity of being with the tiny tots and working in the KG section of CPS initially as a kg teacher and now as a coordinator.

   Name: Pranali Kulkarni      Date: 8/20/2018 3:02:55 PM

Every year our school conducts different workshops for our children to enhance their talents and creativity. One of the Workshop recently conducted was Umbrella painting. The year 2016-17 was the 1st year where we came up with this innovative idea of coloring the Umbrella with different shades. The different technique of painting we have adopted for umbrellas- like in the year 2016 Scenery Painting 2nd year Flow technique and this year Sponge technique , where not only the children enjoyed we too equally enjoyed learning with them. The whole year we learn and teach our children Art and craft and the different innovative things but the feeling while conducting this Umbrella workshop was not expressible. I am very thankful to the school management and my dear students.

   Name: Jagruti Bhandari      Date: 8/20/2018 2:58:37 PM

I would firstly thank our Principal madam for having belief in me to hand over the responsibility of Creative Club. Previously I was little nervous , as I handled only primary classes from the day I stepped into CPS, but the confidence which Maya madam had in me, I tried my best and in every possible way I could prove myself up to their expectation. My children felt very happy when they got a platform where both the students and teachers demonstrated the creativity, talent like Madhubani Painting, Abstract painting, Door painting, Dot painting, glass paintings, making tiyaras which is appreciated by all and this is possible due to the amazing mix of teachers. Words never prove to be enough what cps has given to me all these years. I am very thankful to all right from top management to my students of CPS.

   Name: Poonam Gupta      Date: 8/6/2018 1:41:41 PM

All weekdays except Wednesdays the students of class three onwards observe ten mimutes breathing technique.The purpose behind this practice is to rest the mind and attain a state of conciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. It is the most important step to discipline our mind or rather train first to know ourselves, to look within so that our relationship with others will work towards healthy surroundings warding off all negativity.I hope and wish the goal of the school behind this meditation is achieved and students benefit, come out calmer, less distracted and explore inner dimensions

   Name: Kiwi Soni      Date: 7/31/2018 10:14:15 PM

Yet another year with CPS……. And I feel more energetic, enthusiastic and young….. always ready to explore new challenges on the way of becoming a perfect teacher!!!! CPS has given me opportunities to excel in my field by providing ample of trainings and workshops, hence upgrading my skills. Currently, I am engaged in the competitive exam department…..most hectic one, indeed!!!! But even this has added to my talent and skills, to fulfill my goals and hence the goals of the organization. Looking forward for a wonderful experience ahead…… Kiwi.

   Name: Bhavana Saraf      Date: 7/31/2018 9:12:39 AM

In the month of April, we conducted "Watermelon Day Activity" for our children. The idea was to have a fun filled day. Children were overwhelmed at the sight of beautifully carved juicy water melons. They were immensely excited at the idea of wearing red colour dress.We had put up charts on facts about watermelon. I was delighted to see my little students ACTUALLY trying to read them. One child even came up with the idea of saving the seeds to grow more water melons. Indeed, Watermelon Day marked a COOL beginning of the new academic session!

   Name: Komala Rekha      Date: 7/30/2018 1:56:29 PM

People want to be understood and respected as individuals. We in CPS celebrate our wins and let everyone who worked hard on something know that they were successful and we are very proud as a team. This is my fifth year in CPS and in these years I have learned never to be complacent. I have coordinated many competitions which taught me to reflect on past successes, think about what went right, what went wrong and then use these lessons as a driving force to improve and get better. Last but not the least the unconditional love given by our students makes us proud to be a teacher and to be a part of their life. I feel proud to be a drop in this beautiful colossal ocean. Komala Rekha Rallapalli.

   Name: Trupti Pardhe      Date: 7/30/2018 10:00:08 AM

Bringing school and parents together improves academic and social success of children.Which is why we devloped our successful workshops, and they helped the parents a lot. This year it was my first time to take maths workshop for std II parents , though I was doing it for past 11 years for std I .The workshop for std II was one more heart-warming experiance for me. The refreshing interactions and disscussions each time as well as eagerness of the parents to learn more has always left me deligted. I thank the school management for giving me this opportunity.

   Name: Ashwini Dhumal      Date: 4/27/2018 12:41:16 PM

I feel very proud whenI introduce myself as a KG teacher.Being a KG teacher is really a heartwarming experience for me.I always believe that one must possess a passion for helping these little ones.These children are raw clay and we teachers are potters who are going to shape them.Spending time with these little darlings not only enhances our own imagination and creativity but also teaches us to be patient and brings happiness in our lives.We always say that kids do not have limitation or boundries for their imagination.They believe in the magic fantacy land ,which we elders dont believe.This imagination and curiosity help them to explore the world around them. We believe that all children are unique in their own ways.I am proud and honoured to be their teacher.

   Name: Sonali Karkhanis      Date: 4/27/2018 12:15:04 PM

Strong bonds are not built in a day, they are built daily. It is not the time span but the foundation layed together that matters. I , as a teacher strongly believe this. Every passing batch has imparted beautiful memories. All the students are very dear to my heart . With the passing time the bond has infact strengthened between us. Each and every child has enriched me with wonderful experiences and it has been a learning experience for me. All these experiences and moments have actually added on to my baggage of life which i will cherish and nurture forever. Uniqueness and individuality is a pride possession and Dear children, do remember all of you possess a unique talent which needs to be worked upon and showcased effectively and i am sure you all are going to reach new heights on all the fronts. Hard Work is the only key to sucess , so strive hard to fulfill your dreams. God Bless You All and Best Of Luck.

   Name: Annapurna Oruganty      Date: 4/27/2018 11:32:52 AM

Sharing and caring is the essence of preprimary section.I always cherish the priceless time which we spend with the children.Breakfast is the time where I feel the bond strengthens more.These little ones possess a beautifull sharing nature.Those little giving hands ,smile and the satisfaction of sharing is beautiful.I adore this joy of giving.

   Name: Komal Shinde.      Date: 4/27/2018 11:23:55 AM

Being a Pre primary teacher a Field Visit have always fascisated the children. I would like to share my experience when we visited SHRUSTI ROP VATIKA.It was a fun filled experience for all of us. Children were excited to see the variety of plants and flowers and the fruit LADEN TREE. I will always cherish the happines seen on the LITTLE ONCE FACES.

   Name: philicina thakur      Date: 4/27/2018 11:00:28 AM

As a teacher of pre-primary section I have always enjoyed the sessions. The love ,warmth and the momentsI have cherished will always be treasured by me .The unconditional love from my students is a blessing in my life .God Bless Them All........

   Name: Sandhya U.Patil      Date: 4/17/2018 10:07:57 AM

Connecting children and nature is a well perceived way of learning .Taking this into consideration we had arranged a "Rain Walk" for our tiny tots. The excitement of goingout in the rains with colourful umbrellas singing aloud the rain rhymes along with the friends,splashing water was the most enjoyed and cherised moments for me as well as for the children.Nature is the Best Teacher and the "Rain Walk "gave the same message.

   Name: Ms shweta Bhosale      Date: 4/4/2018 9:36:50 AM

I am a Pre Primary teacher. I teach my little ones the wonders of books but honestly these little angles have taught me a lot. When they show some creativity, I have learned that it cures the mental lethargy. When they listen , they have taught me that “ An open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart. Their enthusiasm reflects that it inspires confidence and raises moral . The courtesy they show in their little act , has demonstrated that it costs a little but pays a lot. When they help each other it has passed a divine message to me that “ Do something for somebody , somewhere while jogging life’s road , help someone to carry his burden and lighter will grow your load”. Life has now become more fascinating for me than before. My little darlings have made me a better person and I have started living my life with more enthusiasm . Love life, have fun , never under estimate the power potential and possibilities of the human spirit . After all “ LIFE IS REALLY A BLAST”.

   Name: Suja Rajesh      Date: 3/30/2018 5:01:21 PM

Dear all, Whatever happened in my life, I feel was the blessing of The Almighty. In every diversion, He had kept a sign board which helped me to take the right path. I am a member of City Pride Family for the last 13 years. City Pride takes care of the overall development of every individual who is associated with it. Along with teaching I had also been learning all these years. The City Pride team is always enthusiastic to face changes and challenges and finally it emerges out of the difficulties to a new height, the height of success. I would like to share one of the moments that I cherish… On one fine morning as I was going to my staff room, I came across a girl who had been awarded with the ‘Best Actress’ title in a recently conducted drama competition. I happily wished her and was just waiting for the response. To my surprise she just ignored what I said and asked my mobile to call one of her friends. Usually they both come together to school, but today as she could not locate her friend where they usually meet she proceeded to school thinking that her friend is already left without her. But once she came to the class she realised that her friend is not yet reached the school. It was the second periodic test going on and as per the rule City Pride sends the children back home if they are late to school. She was worried whether her friend was still waiting for her and was going to miss the exam. As I was dialling the number, I could see the other girl coming to the class. The moment she saw her friend, she asked why she wasn’t waiting for her. I just stopped her and made her understand what her friend was going through. Just then, I could see the other one in tears and without uttering a word she just moved forward and hugged her friend. It was the tears of joy and she was so happy that her friend has reached school on time. I was so overwhelmed to realise that all our children have not lost the values…..but they just need a situation to prove them……… Ms.Unnati Patil and Ms.Rutuja Pakhale …..I owe you for that wonderful moment!!!

   Name: pankaja kolhe      Date: 3/23/2018 1:32:40 PM

I am really proud to share that this year students of Lkg to std 8th bagged the championship Trophy for athletics.Iam overwhelmed by the performance of the students whom and had an apportunity to coach. thank you for the platform to show my skills.

   Name: Mrs. Saylee Sonawane.      Date: 3/23/2018 1:16:37 PM

As a Dance Teacher I am extremely proud with the results of Std 5th & 7th of Gandharva Exam. My students were very Confident , thorough to appear the Exam & the reached the expectation of the Examiner through their performances. God Bless my Children.

   Name: Ms. Kusum Chavan.      Date: 3/23/2018 1:12:54 PM

The year 2017-18 was really a year which added to my overall grooming as a human being. After a major accident on 15th August I was helpless but my CPS Students & Family boosted me to come out of it. My momemnt to Cherish was 18th Sep 2017 when I rejoined my Job & I was among my students.

   Name: Ms. Sayali Bhide      Date: 3/23/2018 1:09:02 PM

Being a Harmonium Teacher ,I feel proud for my students who came up with the best learning for instrument. They are keen to learn various tunes & theay have given their best performances in this academic year. (2017-18 ).I am happy for my Students.

   Name: Mrs.Geeta Kukarni      Date: 3/23/2018 1:03:23 PM

It was indeed a satisfactory achivement for me and my students, when gandharva result declared on 25th february 2018. I was back with my sweet memories of present batch std 10th kathak dance girls.I am happy to say this is my first batch in CPS and my girls gave the best through their performances and ultimate result.It was indeed a touching and motivating experience.

   Name: Mr.Jagdish Sonawane      Date: 3/23/2018 12:46:24 PM

I am Mr.Jagdish Sonawane working in City Pride School as a Sports Sir.This year for me it was a new learning process how to adjust a given time with experience & talent. Every two years we have our school sports day & in every sports day I get to learn many new things about how to handle the situation. This year was wonderful for our school in sports as nearby 10 students were selected for national level in various sports. I am really honoured that this year I have received as a "Best Sports Teacher" for the year 2017-18 for my outstanding performance for school and community in athletics & skating sports.I got this award from "Pimpri Chinchwad City Sports & Physical Education Teacher Association" on 6th February 2018. For this award I was felicitated by the chief guest Ex Olympian Mrs. Anjali Bhagwat. Thanks for our City Pride School for giving me a opportunity to prove my skills.

   Name: saroj chouhan      Date: 3/23/2018 12:42:26 PM

City Pride School always give a new platform to its every stake folder.this year I was extremely happy when one of our student Yash lokhande from std X Hope bagged first prize in DSK Design Olympiad for his innovative idea of "Iron Mate" guiding him and helping him to prepare a model of "Irron Mate" it was a wonderful journey.As a teacher even i got new insight for designing any model henceforth.

   Name: saroj chouhan      Date: 3/23/2018 12:42:22 PM

City Pride School always give a new platform to its every stake folder.this year I was extremely happy when one of our student Yash lokhande from std X Hope bagged first prize in DSK Design Olympiad for his innovative idea of "Iron Mate" guiding him and helping him to prepare a model of "Irron Mate" it was a wonderful journey.As a teacher even i got new insight for designing any model henceforth.

   Name: Riya Gumaste      Date: 3/23/2018 12:41:33 PM

I am very happy to be here as a Fashion designing Teacher. There are so many competition held in a year from that "Kabaad ka Jugaad " is one of them. In that my children made some house hold things like Table mat and Baby hat from old leggins,Bag from waste plastic grain sack, Skirt from old jeans,Ghagra from old anarkali and Poncho from old dupatta. Its indeed a very proud moment for any teacher to see her students showing their creativity and growing with the right ecofriendly attitude .I am very thankful to the management for giving me this opportunity.

   Name: Mr.Amol Raut      Date: 3/23/2018 12:34:29 PM

The best way to learn tabla is to learn from someone who has spent a good deal of their life studying tabla. The technique of playing tabla is intricate, detailed, and extremely hard, so one can only learn tabla by learning from another tabla player.The Indian theory of rhythm is very unique. The principles are completely different from the principles for congas and bongos. No matter the extent to which to learn, you should definitely learn from a tabla player.

   Name: Janhavi kadlaskar      Date: 3/6/2018 2:22:39 PM

A good team work and hard work causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes.It is a catalyst and it sparks extra ordinary results. This year the event of Intra School Competition was so memorable and outstanding.As a member of Intra School Competition committee enjoyed as well as arranged various new competitions.This event made me realise that somtimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary simply by doing them.............................

   Name: Nisha Madhu Panicker      Date: 3/1/2018 7:52:48 AM

A good year as every year with lots of dreams, aspirations, targets for the children and questions in my mind what and how for children. The one project which needs a mention this year is the Civic Action Project. It was a two way enriching experiece. It helped me as a citizen of India to know more about my civic sense and responsibilities and it has changed completely my perspective of my approach towards my subject and the way I try to share my subject knowledge with my children. I was immensely happy as the seeds of knowledge planted in the children started taking roots which are and will be deeply spread in the society. This projecst inculcated in the inquisitive minds civic sense. Yes, my children have started taking one step towards future India and now I am sure they will educate the masses too. Feel proud that in this way I am able to do my bit for the society by helping create a well informed, vigilant and active citizens of tomorrow. Feel proud to be a part of CITY PRIDE family who all the time encourages and gives opportunities to all its family members including children and teachers to explore themselves and reach new heights. Thank you

   Name: jeetkaur sodhi       Date: 2/28/2018 12:29:18 PM

I am extremely proud of being a part of C.P.S. Working here as a Hindi teacher gives me an exposure to a lot of things at one time and each project , programme ,competition is a wonderful learning not only for the children but me as well . I was lucky to groom students for Natyachata Competition and also actively participate in compitition as a writer . The best part is both of us were lucky winners. We were happy to add a feather in cap of city pride school.

   Name: shobana gopalkrishnan      Date: 2/28/2018 12:15:42 PM

The general conception of the mass is that History/SST is a subject taught in school where dates, events need to be memorized by heart. Obviously students dislike these tedious tasks. For me , history is something that can teach you important valuable lessons from the past and applied in the present.You can witness events in those books that you can never experience in the present. History enables us to study those kings, emperors, freedom fighters and try to apply those values that made these people great. This is precisely how I teach SST to my students. The result ? Students are excited to attend the next history lecture. Students love going home to research on those things that have been taught that day. Of course its inevitable that top marks are sure to follow for all my students. I wish them GOOD LUCK for their future.

   Name: Sangeeta U. Kulkarni      Date: 2/27/2018 2:19:02 PM

Working in City Pride School as a Hindi teacher is a satisfying experience every moment. Grooming the students for various competitoins helps me to explore my own creative side. Every day is a wonderful learning experience. As I see my students grow, I see my own growth as a teacher in City Pride School learning continuously from my superiors and colleagues. The most memorable experience was being a part of the Natyachata Competition. It was a proud moment to see students wining the prizes in the competition.

   Name: Aparna Kadam      Date: 2/24/2018 1:24:02 PM

I had a Wonderful experience working in the Marathi Dept. this year.It was memorable for us as we participated in the Marathi Olympiad for the first time.Almost all the participant gave excellent results.I hope to continue working in a innovative manner to create childrens interest in my subject.

   Name: Velamma Dass      Date: 2/24/2018 1:19:29 PM

It was a very eventful year for me working as the head of Math Dept in City Pride School.We enjoyed organising various programme for the Maths Day like Relay race,Suduku,Collage making etc.I was happy to see children warming up to the concept of maths related games.We all enjoyed thoroughly.

   Name: Vineeta Depolkar      Date: 2/24/2018 9:10:09 AM

Dear all, Newspaper is an important part of our day - to - day life. The City Pride School tries always to come up with a new idea and with this thought, the school gave a platform to budding journalists. In the month of January, the students along with class ministers of Std.VII, VIII and students of Eloquest, witnessed the Journalism Summit organised by Scribido. Thus they got an apportunity to listen to many eminent speakers, which was an enriching experience. The school publishes the newspaper twice a year, in which the budding journalists write the articles, take interviews and they also get training for the same. This entire process helped me to discover inclination towards journalism. I thoroughly enjoy each and every activity and get the pleasure in looking at students beaming.

   Name: Jyoti.Kulkarni      Date: 2/24/2018 8:56:36 AM

Greetings Dear all. Open Door !!!!! When we heard about it, we recieved with much apprehensions. But in due course we discovred that it has really helped our students in enhancing their thinking skills . It is a great tool to asses their conceptual understanding. Students are able to crack problems in competative exams which are based on thinking skills and reasoning.

   Name: Manju Sharma      Date: 2/24/2018 8:46:42 AM

We all know life is a journey . But the important thing whether we enjoy and live it or merely live it . My journey as a Hindi sub. teacher has exposed me with various experiences and enriched me . I enjoyed each activity of journalism . This platform encouraged us and our talents and nurture them . We are highly indebted to school for such an educative and enriching experience.

   Name: Aditee      Date: 2/23/2018 4:02:40 PM

Greetings! I am Aditee Puranik Deshpande; a Soft Skills Trainer with City Pride School since April 2017. The experience has been both-enriching and satisfying. I would thus, take this blog to thank Ashwini Mam and the school authorities for this opportunity. In the fast-paced world of today, I was immensely glad to tutor std.6 a new initiative called ELOQUEST. We began this platform to groom children in Current Affairs and Elocution. As Frank Zappa quotes: "The mind works the best when it is open" and we all are inspiring our students in experiential learning. Another proud moment was our outstanding performance in COEP MUN 2017-18.

   Name: Shachi Srivastava      Date: 2/21/2018 10:08:42 PM

Hi everyone , I am Shachi Srivastava! Our maturity is always one leg below every new experience we face in our life. The very purpose of these experiences is to give us that maturity. City Pride School definitely ensures the availability of such experiences to learn from for everyone present here, right from our staff to teachers and to our students. However, with every experience not only does the bar of our maturity get raised, but even the level of the challenges we face gets raised. Experience after experience, challenge after challenge is how life moulds the maturity of the man. So, Let the new name of TRIUMPH be MOTIVATOR. Let the new name of SETBACKS be TEACHER; And with both motivator and teacher navigating your life, Keep going, Keep growing Remember, There are no limits to the best creation of life..YOU.

   Name: Vishakha Kulkarni      Date: 2/1/2018 4:02:41 PM

Hello all !! My name is Vishakha Kulkarni. I am the Sanskrit teacher of CPS family. I am proud to be working as a teacher in one of the best institution in PCMC, Pune. I am working since April 2017. These eight months have given me a lot of new things to learn. The working environment is very friendly. I thank my school management for giving me a wonderful opportunity to teach the language that is considered as the mother of all Indian languages. I thank my coordinators for their kind support.

   Name: Dipalee Kamble      Date: 2/1/2018 2:15:24 PM

I am Dipalee Kamble and I teach computer for STD 5th to 8th.I am glad to share my experience of being a part of City Pride family. I have join CPS in July 2017. It took hardly some time for me to be an integral part of the computer department. All my colleagues are very supportive and co-operative. The work environment here is very positive and challenging. There are many things to learn and enhance our skills. Students are good atcomputer science and information technology. Various competitions are held for school students like "Cyber Champ, Cyber Genius, and Spark catchthem young by Infosys".Four students of 8th STD got selected for Infosys internship program, which is a big opportunity for them. Students are always eager to learn new things. It gives me immence pleasure to train students for the competitions. I love to be part of CPS team. Thank you.

   Name: Rutuja Phadke      Date: 2/1/2018 9:00:39 AM

Hi all, I am from Computer Department, teacher of Std VI - VIII. It is my 1st year in the school and I feel privileged to be a part of City Pride School. Every year City Pride School organises "Cyber Champ" Competition sponsored by Persistent Company. It was a great experience to organise such a grand event with almost 56 schools from all over Pune. Students work hard and helping such students to excel is challenging and I enjoyed taking up the challenge. The kind of team work and efforts that the Computer Department has put in to host such an event ,made it a grand success. The moment the Rolling Trophy was handed over to the CPS team was the most memorable moment. It gives me immense pleasure to train the students and work in such a friendly environment. Thank you City Pride School for developing me into a better person.

   Name: Zeba Awati      Date: 1/31/2018 4:01:43 PM

Hello everyone, I am thoroughly astonished by the opportunity we all get in this Institution. One of the best thing I really like is the way students get to explore their talents in almost every interesting field, like music, computer and many more. I am honoured to work with such a wonderful Institution and some of the most amazing people. Also not to forget my brilliant students of cyber champ who taught me more than any other management course did.

   Name: Nikita Talathi      Date: 1/31/2018 3:54:22 PM

I am proud to be a teacher working in one of the best educational institution in Pune. I am a Computer teacher, teaching from Std. II to Std. V. It gives me an immense pleasure to be part of such a renowed institute. Every day is a learning day for both teachers and students. Hence, both of them grow simultaneously which is a beautiful process and I consider myself lucky as I am one of them to experience it.The work environment here is very positive and challenging. There are lot many things to learn, to enhance our skills which I got to know after joining CPS. The students are always eager and keen to learn new things and obedient. A big thanks and gratitude to My Co-ordinators for constantly mentoring me, my colleagues for correcting my mistakes wherever needed and my Heads for supporting and keeping faith in me.

   Name: Mrs.Vaishali Nandurdikar      Date: 1/25/2018 1:35:48 PM

Hi all.My name is Vaishali Nandurdikar.I am a science teacher and very fortunate to be a part of City Pride School.Work environment of CPs is positive and friendly.Efforts taken for quality education is really appreciable.As a science teacher,I am glad that I could instill a love of an environment in 6th std.students by teaching them decomposition of leftover food.Their active participation and keen interest made me charishable.Students of CPS are consecientious and hard working and could face the compititive world positively.Thank you.

   Name: Vedika Bulunge      Date: 1/25/2018 9:22:44 AM

I really feel pleased that I got an opportunity to work with City Pride Family. I take immense pleasure and pride to share one incident recently happened in my class on Maths Day. When we celebrated Maths Day I gave students a task to prepare something related to Math like puzzle , quiz or game but I got surprised when a group of students came with very thoughtful idea of importance of Mathematics in day today life and even in future. I felt really very proud that at this small age they gave such an impacting message which will be cherished forever in my life as well as in the little minds.

   Name: reshma chavan      Date: 12/21/2017 1:34:03 PM


   Name: Rajani Mundada      Date: 12/21/2017 1:33:59 PM

As I come to the end of another incredible academic year at CPS my mind and heart is filled to the brim with joy and happiness.I began my journey in the school in 2016 which was surely an eventful as any other in our esteemed school with number of activities,experiences that brought me closer emotionally.There are a number of incidences to share about our CPS, one amongst them where I am impressed and proud to share is how our school took immense measures when our state was going through the crisis of water are thereby teaching our tiny ones how to save each drop of water.The water left in their water bottles, they were asked to pour before going home so that the water could be used by our school in number of ways for example watering the plants ,cleaning toilet etc.Teamwork is the Hallmark of CPS with supportive management, caring and dedicated teachers and most importantly cooperative parents who believe in the school will go a long way in making the school a harmonious hub of creative and disciplined students.I shall sign off with warm and sincere regards Rajani Mundada.

   Name: varsha gaikwad      Date: 12/19/2017 11:12:36 AM

"The task of the modern educator is not cut jungles but irrigate deserts".I am proud to be part of cps family.I felt that I have learnt a lot from my kids and collgues .Especially a big thanks and gratitude to my head for supporting me. We had a wonderful session on personality development by Meenakshi Ahuja which helps me a lot to develop my skills further.

   Name: Sarita Y Rahurkar      Date: 12/19/2017 11:05:24 AM

"Cleanliness and order are not matter of instinct, they are matter of education and like most great things, you must cultivate a taste for them." It really makes me feel proud as a teacher of City Pride School that my kids of std II celebrated cleanliness day on 2nd October. The children and teachers together cleaned the classrooms, corridoors, ground. Though young at age the work done by them was really at par. They cleaned the classrooms not with hands but from the bottom of their hearts. This day has become memorable for me.

   Name: Mrs.Sakina Shabbir Bootwala      Date: 12/15/2017 2:38:31 PM

Dear parents, Hello!It gives me immense pleasure to share with you an experience which gave me utmost satisfaction.During one of the activities of the Discovery class,students of STD VII had to take up the challenge of rotating a small bucketful of water at a particular speed in a vertical circle without spilling the water.Initially,the students were apprehensive and very few took up the challenge.These students also took the precaution of wearing a raincoat during the act.When these few gutsy students did the challenge and performed the act successfully,the others got motivation to do it.In fact each student of the entire class did the act.They were overjoyed after doing it .It was followed by a group discussion wherein we tried to analyse the logical & scientific reason behind it.We deduced that the water did not spill as the weight of the water is balanced by the centrifugal force acting on it. YOU COULD ALSO TRY THIS CHALLENGE. As the member of the Discovery team,I try to plan such fun-filled ,outdoor and interactive , science oriented activities which are very useful to develop the scientific temper on our children.Looking forward to sharing many such moments to cherish with you. Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year! Sakina Miss.

   Name: Narendra Varma      Date: 12/9/2017 7:58:11 AM

We are fortunate parents to have our daughter studying at City Pride School. We have observed direct involvement of directors and principal in academics and overall growth of students by means of leveraging their talent on various streams like fashion designing, music, drama, robotronics and mechanics(CAD/CAM/CAE) to name a few . We can say CITY PRIDE SCHOOL for CBSE is equivalent to what is taught at IITs for graduations. It is IIT Of Pune since it is different from other schools. Thanks to Ashwini Madam and all Teachers , Trainers and Staff for providing such a great learning experience to our kids! City Pride School is developing great individuals and professionals for the next generation and helping in building the nation. Thanks!

   Name: Anagha Joshi      Date: 12/5/2017 2:55:52 PM

Being a music teacher, I am really touched with the innocence of my little children of std 1st to 3rd, when few of them come up saying that we do follow instructions given by the teacher for the practice of enchanting OM regularly. These little ones enjoy singing and are eager to learn various songs, so I go with the spirit of my little children.

   Name: MRS.MALA SAHANI      Date: 11/30/2017 2:20:27 PM

I am FORTUNATE , THANKFUL , GREATFUL , PROUD to be a member of the CPS FAMILY.As the name itself suggests that this highly esteemed institution is truly THE PRIDE OF OUR CITY! I am passionate to earn my teaching credentials under the able guidance of THE TOP MASTERS OF EDUCATION . Reaching heights with this renowned institution and CPS FAMILY is A DREAM COME TRUE for me! Our respected Ashwini madam , Deepa madam and Maya madam share their valuable insights along with suggestions , inspirations , a lot of information , guidance, fantastic resources for learning new techniques. CPS explores the stock of Text books using technology to put the necessary information at each students fingertips.

   Name: Revati G.      Date: 11/30/2017 11:54:42 AM

City Pride School believes in creativity , an example of which is reflected in our special assembly also. One such example was a colorful act on "Junk food vs Healthy food "the act was dedicated to young generation who are crazy after junk food. Our tiny tots of std.IV Wisdom taught everyone about the side effects of junk food and benefits of healthy food with help of colorful props and charts. The students dressed up as fruits and vegetables looked beautiful while performing a dance on " Healthy song " . I appreciate the creativity of our children as well as their class teacher and co-class teacher.

   Name: Ishani Punj       Date: 11/29/2017 2:52:27 PM

This year Homi Bhabha level 1 exam results were excellent . Being a part of coaching the students was an extremely satisfying lerning experience . It is said that every teacher has to essentially be a student and engage in continous learning . Being assosiated with Homi Bhabha coaching was one such experience which enriched my knowledge and gave me a sense of confidence . My experience of teaching the ever enthusiastic , brillant and always ready to learn students ,who brought laurels to our school ,was simply joyous. I wish the school and my stuudents all the success .

   Name: Shrividhya Nair      Date: 11/29/2017 12:28:26 PM

29.11.17 Wednesday" Author Michael. U. Anthony spent ten years sharing his gifts of faith and teaching through radio. In the new era, thought itself will lie transmitted by radio". It makes me feel very proud that our school City Pride started our own FM Radio on 16th November 2017. The immense talent of students came out with radio anchoring, music and cracked wonderful jokes. The students along with few teachers proved themselves to be excellent Radio Jockeys. The entire school started the day with smile and great enthusiasm.

   Name: Poonam Gupta      Date: 11/27/2017 12:48:52 PM

The Fever of Sports Day The activities going around City Pride School forced me to go down the memory lane. The rigourous training from our Sports Teachers was met with lot of disgust then. But it had its indirect advantage or rather effect in our lives that was wxperienced later. It taught us a systematic method of obtaining self control and obedience, which is also one of the objectives of formal education. I hope and wish celebrations of Sports Day in our school , an integral part of holistic development of any pupil continues to bring positive change in our dear students.

   Name: Leena Jadhav      Date: 11/23/2017 12:43:49 PM

Greetings! How wonderful it is to see a smile on the face of children ! the students of std X visited Kolhad Masti, Kolhad, Konkan Region. They were very happy with the place. The entire picnic time was utilised for the adventurous activities. They were so well disciplined that i have nothing but admiration for them. in the end when everyone voiced that it was their best picnic ever and they all left with a smile and that was all for me!. That smile makes us teachers feel that a job is done well!. The other wonderful thing that happened was the launching of the Radio Show, CPS 126.03; Talk from the heart; Connect to the soul. Here again the STd X children made us very proud. May they shine wherever they go. Leena Jadhav

   Name: Shilpa Argade      Date: 11/16/2017 10:36:55 PM

It gives me a immense pleasure to be part of such a renowed institute. Every day is a learning day for both teachers and students. Hence, both of them grow simultaneously which is a beautiful process and I consider myself lucky as I am one of them to experience it. CPS always come up with innovative ideas for their students. This year too KG. Section have introduced 2 new programs - Karadi Path and Gait which is enjoyed a lot by kids. Children love attending these sessions as it has all the fun elements along with studies which really hold on the interest of small kids and excites them to learn more about it.

   Name: Anamika Verma      Date: 11/14/2017 3:06:43 PM

I joined City Pride School in the academic year 2017-2018 and was enthralled by the type of activities done by the students. The support rendered by the school management and staff is commendable. I appreciate the effort taken by Ashwini Maam and Maya Maam to bring the school to such great heights. Kudos to the school and everyone associated with it.

   Name: Poonam Singh      Date: 10/30/2017 12:05:59 PM

It gives me lot of pleasure to share my experience for last two years as a mathematics teacher in CPS. Working here in CPS, my profile was enriched when i was given opportunity to correct board papers for class X by which I can help my students score better in board exams.

   Name: Mallika Sen      Date: 10/30/2017 11:49:51 AM

Hi All, My name is Mallika Sen and I am a proud teacher working in one of the best educational institutions in Pune. I am an English teacher, teaching from Std. VII to Std. IX. Although I am working here since April, and it has been only seven months, but I do not feel like a new teacher here. All my colleagues are very supportive and coooperative. The work environment here is very positive and challenging. There are lot many things to learn, to enhance our skills which I got to know after joining CPS. The students are always eager and keen to learn new things and obedient. A special thanks to Ashwini Maam, Maya Maam and all my students, teachers and parents for giving me support and motivate me in all aspects. Hope to be a part of this institution for a long time in the coming future. Hope to meet you all again. Bye!!

   Name: Preeti Maurya      Date: 10/13/2017 2:55:43 PM

It gives me lot of pleasure to share my experience of being a part of City Pride School family for 2 years. Everyday has been the learning experience for me in CPS. Right from academics to co-curricular activities, we teachers also learn new things . This year I got a chance to prepare 4 advertisements as class event along with VIII Hope students, in which we bagged 1st prize. It gave me a great learning experience.

   Name: kalpana powar      Date: 10/12/2017 7:34:41 PM

Kalpana Powar I have been a teacher in City Pride School for the last two years now teaching Mathematics. I have been teaching in various other schools and institutes earlier in my career. I must say, that the experience in CPS has been totally different as compared to my earlier schools. The focus is on overall development of the student. I have found total involvement of the School right from LKG till the student completes the 10th Standard. Periodic assessment, exposure to international and national competitions and many other activities ensure that the student is successful after he or she passes out of CPS. What is also noteworthy is the amount of training that we teachers undergo in order to improve our teaching skills. Within a short span of 2 years I have attended more than 10 Training Programs on various topics which has in turn helped me to be better in terms of handling students of varying understanding level, ensuring discipline in class and improve the overall teaching standards. CPS therefore is one of the schools that the students and the teachers aim to be in.

   Name: kamiya sharma      Date: 10/11/2017 1:02:34 PM

On 2nd October 2017, this year our City Pride School had celebrated "Chamko chamki day". I was overwhelmed to see the enthusiasm among children to clean their school. Smiling faces working for the cleanliness of the school. I think this was a great idea to celebrate Gandhi Jayanti.

   Name: Suvarna Sahastrabuddhe      Date: 10/9/2017 7:33:37 PM

The work environment of my school is very friendly. Its leadership team is encouraging and motivating. It nurtures talent and provides opportunities for continuous learning. Further gives free hand to experiment and implement new teaching aids and methodologies. I should say one will be very lucky to be a part of City Pride School family.

   Name: Leena Mahajan      Date: 10/9/2017 7:00:57 PM

It is almost 1.5 years being a part of the CPS family. I throughly enjoyed teaching in a very healthy environment. The school welcomes suggestions and opinions, there by showing faith and trust in its employees. All this creates a healthy and friendly work culture among management and co-worker which definitely helps the organisation grow and maintain the reputation.

   Name: Renuka Sandeep Patil      Date: 10/4/2017 12:55:25 PM

I have good bonding with City Pride School as a parent as well as teacher from last 14 years. As per my experience the students who have passed out from this school have come out with flying colours. They have knowledge as well as talents in multiple areas.It was really special moment for us when Madam appreciated all mother teachers on Teachers Day (2017). We felt all the mother teachers are valued for the hardwork they are doing in the school and kind of love and care they give to all the students.

   Name: Shabnoor Shaikh      Date: 10/4/2017 12:06:15 PM

"Purpose of a teacher is not to create a student in her own image but to develop student to create their own image" It has been since 6 years , I have been a part of CPS family. I have not only learnt many things but have grown as a person. Every year different experience, learning , upgrading and many more....... All these things has even developed my feeling that , teachers plant the seed of knowledge that last for life time with the students as well as teacher........

   Name: Pallavi Chaudhari      Date: 10/4/2017 12:01:22 PM

" Teaching is a profession that teaches all other professsions" It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of City Pride family.Every year " Teachers day" is a special day dedicated to all teachers and appreciate their special contribution towards education. As every year , students made our day very special through their hidden talents like dance, acting, singing... This was really a memorable day and this makes me really proud to be a teacher.......

   Name: Ritu Jain      Date: 9/27/2017 3:57:48 PM

It was my passion to be a teacher. We teachers play a veryvital role in the life of a child. Specially in the life of the tiny tots. The word of a teacher is the final word for them. Then it can be about their study, behaviour, habits or looks. They observe teachers very minutely. It is not very easy to be a teacher at all. The children have blind faith in us. So I feel as teachers we have a great responsibility on our shoulders. I forget everything when I see a smile on their face. Their presence gives me lot of energy and strength. I wholeheartedly pray to the Almighty, let our hands and minds work for the betterment of children always. I thank God for giving me wonderful gift in the form of my students.

   Name: Bhavana Saraf      Date: 9/27/2017 3:48:21 PM

Children are gift of almighty god .Initially when they entered the class everything was new to them. Children are soft like clay so they get shaped according to what we give to them. I was overwhelmed to see their performance in many spheres like writing,speaking,reading. To be with small children is like god has given us a gift that is immortal. Iam overjoyed to see the love, affection , respect that is given by them . Teaching is my heart core passion and I thank god for giving me an oppurtunity to fulfill my passion. I thank my school management and my coordinator for their kind support.

   Name: kausar muke      Date: 9/27/2017 3:27:51 PM

This year I got an opportunity to conduct an assembly to make the children understand to know the significance of celebrating Eid. The children who performed gave an awesome performance which was appreciated by all the members of the school . The children were very happy due to appreciation . This is one of my most memorable moment which I will cherish throughout my life .

   Name: Praneedha Menon      Date: 9/27/2017 12:45:23 PM

It is really a wonderful experience to be associated with std I and getting involved in the teaching ,learning process. Asgrade I is an important milestone for the children who finally become a part of big school. Slowly from the world of play and innocence, they come to another world of symbols, concepts, poems, prose, experiments, where more organized and routine based learning happens with lots of opportunities for the children to explore. It is fun to watch the tantrums they throw, end number of mistakes they make and to give them a positive reminders as they are powerful learners. It is really amazing to see the sparkle in their eyes , when something new has been taught. Really proud to be their teacher!!!!!!!

   Name: swati inje      Date: 9/27/2017 9:34:03 AM

I am very happy to be a part of Robotic team this year. It gives me immense pleasure to the young children going in the right direction as this activity enhanse their innovative skill as well as problem solving atttitude . This skill is helpfull to all of us, because I am into new learning skill/ process.

   Name: Mrs Trupti Pardhe      Date: 9/26/2017 12:36:14 PM

Hi! Friends I am Mrs Trupti Pardhe and I have been working in City Pride School for the past 10 years .Even though its my 11th year every year I feel that I am a fresher ,as I get an opportunity to learn something new.Every year there are many innovative changes for the betterment of the students. This year our school has started with "Grooming Artistic InnovativeTalent" [ G A I T ] which is based on Listening , Thinking and Observing skills. The things which are taught in the GAIT class are also very useful in our classroom teaching. I have inculcated these skills in my kids through my classroom teaching and made teaching more exciting. I thank the management,Dr. Ashwini Kulkarni mam, Dr. Deepali Sawai mam and our dear Principal madam Mrs. Maya Sawant mam and I am very proud to be a member of CPS.

   Name: Priyanka Soni      Date: 9/26/2017 9:14:22 AM

Hello Everyone,I enjoy every moment of working as a Co ordinator in CPS . This year I accompanied 5 Teams from Std IX and X for Shastra Junior Quiz and I absolutely enjoyed the way they presented themselves.It was a moment of great pride for me that 3 teams were selected for second round.

   Name: sandhya u. patil      Date: 9/25/2017 12:55:45 PM

Inspite of beingin this teaching field for quite a few years, I would like to say that each day comes with new learnings and experiences.What does not change is the love ,tantrum and moods of the little kids. As a teacher it isreally essential to understand them and use tactics to get the best out of them. God bless them!!!

   Name: Kiran Bala Sinha      Date: 9/20/2017 10:24:01 AM

It is an honour to be a part of CPS family. I joined the esteemed institution in the academic year 2017-18 as a TGT-Hindi. When I came to the school for the first time I saw that atmosphere is very friendly here, from the director to co-teachers. I experienced the best quality of the school that everyone can get proper guidance and solutions here from authorities. The system of the school is totally focussed on the overall development of every learner.Each day spending time with children bring me more close to them specially with my class VIII-Courage.I hope that I will here for a long time. Thank You all

   Name: Varshas Salvi      Date: 9/19/2017 3:31:08 PM

At CPS, my job is of a primary school teacher. But in our school, the best part is, this job is not confined to only teaching. In the same way, the student is not confined to the curriculum. There is always extra what a teacher can do and what a student can learn.My class II Joy is a talented lot, always enthusiastic and ready to communicate. Communicate what they feel, what they want to do and are always ready to get a feedback from their teacher. This makes my class a special one. I encourage the little ones to come ahead, explore, participate and learn, over and above the defined curriculum. This beautiful group of tiny individuals has so much creativity packed in them, which is I have seen in all the events that they have participated and and they have made those really successful.I feel proud to be a in my profession, to everyday step into my school, be with my class, enjoy support from my fellow staff, and be a part of institution committed to excellence.Be communicative. Be receptive. All the best.

   Name: Mrs. Kamala Sridharan      Date: 9/19/2017 1:41:16 PM

I thank the management for having given me the opportunity to share my feelings on this proud moment. I congratulate the management for obtaining NAACC for our ATSS, and with that all the three: i) City Pride School, ii) IICMR and now iii) ATSS are accredited with quality of national standards. There are absolutely no wards to express my feelings that, I am one amongst the proud City Prideians From my experience, as a teacher in City Pride School, I could clearly feel that children find this environment as a haven. Students excel not only in studies but also in various co curricular activities like Sport, Quiz Competitions, and other competitive exams. I take this opportunity to thank the management,Dr. Ashwini Kulkarni mam, Dr. Deepali Sawai mam and our dear Principal madam Mrs. Maya Sawant mam for giving me an opportunity to be part of this proud close knit family. Thank you all. Warm Regards. Kamala Sridharan.

   Name: Sheetal Sawant      Date: 9/4/2017 12:21:04 AM

I Mrs. Sheetal Sawant have been teaching in City Pride School since last 6 years. Every year City Pride School comes with some very innovative ideas to improvise teaching learning process for the betterment of the students. This year also we have started a new subject Current Affairs for STD III to STD V which comes under General Awareness. General Awareness is something that really helps us to grow both at personal as well as academic levels. General Awareness means "Opening gateways of our thinking". With this introduction of Current Affairs this year I can see a rapid increase in the reading of newspaper, collecting information and watching news in students. It is a very enriching experience where in I see a platform raised for the overall development of a child. I would like to extend heartfelt gratitude towards the management for letting me shoulder this responsibility.

   Name: Shashi Bangera      Date: 9/3/2017 10:34:12 PM

It is indeed a great pleasure working in City Pride School. Infact, I have grown with City Pride School. Being a teacher is never easy, working with students also gives us some unique challenges. From writing lengthy lesson plans to working closely with parents and other teachers, it takes a calm, organized, confident person to work with students who often need a great deal of support and assistance to succeed. I feel I have learnt a lot of useful skills through the workshops organized by the school. A big thanks and gratitude to my heads and co-ordinators for supporting me with their love and keeping faith in me. Its a great feeling of achievement for teachers like us. I am proud to be a part of this institution.

   Name: Minal Shete      Date: 9/1/2017 1:34:38 PM

I Ms. Minal Shete the class teacher of 7 Courage has joined City Pride as a TGT Science teacher in the academic year 2017-18. Though I was new to the school, I got a chance to attend Creya training in Hyderabad which gave me a lot of learning experience. The school gives a fair chance to all (teachers as well as students) to prove themselves. The school takes care not only of studies but also focuses on the overall development of a child. It is a school in true sense where one learns the lessons of life too. The best part of it is that you can approach the authorities right from the Co-ordinators to the Directors easily and you are sure to get solution to your problems. I consider this as my privilege to be a member of "CPS" family.

   Name: Samruddhi Chatur      Date: 9/1/2017 1:13:08 PM

It is very rightly said "Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn." by Fred Donaldson. Our std 3 students had an activity of role play. It was a firsthand wonderful experience for the student. The students were very excited. They planned out their roles. Students learnt how to cooperate and to help each other. A good team work was shown. I feel this is true learning. In this activity they not only got thorough with the concepts but also had revised the concepts by peer learning. Students learnt values of helping each other, team work, care for each other and a competitive spirit to do better than the other group. It was a proud moment for me to see our children perform so well. Now I feel that this proves true - "You cannot make people learn. You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen." BY Vince Gowmon. One more happy experience was seeing our students enjoying the Vedic Maths periods. Students solve sums with good speed. This will help them in the competitive exams to solve the sums in a short period of time. The beautiful class assemblies conducted by our students with beautiful moral messages help in developing the moral values in our students. Seeing all this I really feel that at our City Pride School we work for the all-round development of our students. It is not only academics but the moral values too are cultivated in our students. Experiencing all this I can only say that yes we are surely Reaching new heights and fulfilling the mission of our school.

   Name: Mrs Archana Ashtekar      Date: 9/1/2017 9:31:03 AM

This is my first year as a class teacher.Initially when I was assigned the resposibility ,I felt a bit nervous and thought if I would be able to shoulder this responsibility and handle the students tactfully. But thankfully with the co-operation of my lovely students, their parents, my co-ordinator and my co-teachers this task has become very effortless and an enjoyable experience,wherein I feel privileged to do my bit in shaping their future .At the end of the day when I think about their lovely smiles, their small complaints, their care and concerns for each other, the innocent questions they ask and their sweet hugs tickles my heart and fills it warmth. Lots of love to my lovely darlings, you all make me feel special.

   Name: Smitha Rajith       Date: 8/30/2017 5:45:50 PM

A new session started the year 2016-17 a year with promises,commitments all set to start the challenges . It was the assembly wherein I got the children down and came to know about the "Best Class Trophy" announcement. like an excited child was waiting amidst my colleagues and my kiddos to hear something magical for my ears .It was definitely what I wanted to hold in my hands . LO BEHOLD IT WAS MY CLASS WHICH BAGGED THE Trophy what a day it was.My hard work paid ,my kids, contribution to make it happen no words or sentences to describe that emotion but yes that is an emotion which I will never erase from my life Thank you my CHILDREN AND CPS management for making me experience AND BELIEVE that HARD WORK never goes unnoticed ".Its a motivation for me to work harder each day .

   Name: smita menon      Date: 8/29/2017 12:09:31 PM

A good team work is what I witnessed during my class assembly scheduled on 9 th August 2017.Though preparation started well in advance I was skeptical about the execution o f my concept as my chidren are tiny tots .But my chidren showed me that I can bank on them AND MY WONDERFUL PARENTS KEPT ON SUPPORTING ME AT EVERY JUNCTURE .PREPARING THE REQUIRED PROPS TIME ON TIME. A fter the assembly children told me "Thank you "unitedly when I stepped in the class which was the best gift I could get as gratitude is an essential ingredient for our character development. They instilled the belief in me that" united we stand divided we fall" Smita Menon Class teacher III Peace

   Name: Palak Agrawal      Date: 8/17/2017 11:59:54 AM

"Creativity is thinking up new things.Innovation is doing new things." So, here at City Pride School this year we aim to innovate, create, tinker, invent, make , do new things with the help of a new platform - Atal Tinkering Labs. Yes, that is true!! Our school is amongst the selected one to establish ATL Labs. In ATL, children can give shape to their ideas through hans-on, do-it-yourself mode. So, its a big opportunity for all the innovative minds out there and I feel very proud to be a part of it.

   Name: poonam patel      Date: 8/3/2017 10:46:29 AM

To create beautiful memories for our KG children, Rain Walk activity is done by taking them in the drizzling rains with thier baby umbrellas.It was amazing to see them jump in the puddles of water,feeling the rain drops on their palm,searching for snails and enjoying with their friends and teachers.Their beautiful smiles are simply invaluable.God Bless them!!!

   Name: Reji Nadar      Date: 8/1/2017 4:12:07 PM

It was indeed a pleasure to be a part of the workshop "We The People". Through this workshop I realised the power of a common citizen. I understood how much our nation has given us and what I can give back as a teacher by guiding the future citizens. I am grateful to our Management for organising this workshop.

   Name: Mrs. Aafreen Usmani      Date: 7/31/2017 2:53:00 PM

City Pride School always encourages us and upgrades the lab, hardware, software and syllabus alongside the new technology. This year we , the Computer teachers ,have written and published Computer text book "Computer Champs" for Std VI and VIII. A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. I am proud to share that I am not only teacher in CPS but also ex-student of Audyogik Tantra Shikshan Sanstha. So every year I am upgrading myself as a student of this organisation under the guidance of Ashwini mam and Deepali mam. This year we have been trained for Python (a software language to be taught to class 9). School has also brought a coloured printer and a 3D printer. I will always try to make optimum use of the new technology and mentor the students to make new innovative projects. Thank you.

   Name: Hema Nair      Date: 7/31/2017 2:32:58 PM

It is indeed a great pleasure working in CPS .Each day is a learning and challenging phase spending time with children brings me more closer to them .Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding. This year C.P.S. has introduced Vedic Math for Grade IV & V, which is a new learning for students as well as for teachers. Children are enjoying the different methods of solving the sums .Vedic Math will definitely help them to overcome their fear for math.

   Name: Deepali tanpure      Date: 7/31/2017 2:22:38 PM

Hi!!!! It is an immense pleasure to extend my gratitude towards the management for organising the workshop for Social Science department of which I was a part where we learnt more in detail about our fundamental rights and duties and how to work on the social issues,that gave us new perspective and outlook towards the subject and also got the feeling that being the nation builders there is still more to learn ........

   Name: Yogita Vishwakarma      Date: 7/31/2017 2:22:25 PM

Another challenging year !!! This year I have got a set of energetic and lively students to teach . Working in City Pride School , everyday offers a different learning experience due to which I have grown as a person and as a teacher too . I am extremely greatful to all my mentors for helping me become better and better. I am extremely fortunate to be a part of City Pride family .

   Name: Manjusha Kunkolienkar      Date: 7/31/2017 11:13:53 AM

It has been a wonderful four years working as a teacher in City Pride School. Within this span I have experienced a tremendous growth in me as a mentor to my beloved students. In here, we are given various opportunites to attend workshops and training so as to keep ourselves updated which leads to continuous learning and improvement in our skills. One of the many opportunities was an privileges to lead a competitive department of my school. In this learning and teaching period, I have felt a vast positive change in my overall personality and leadership skills . It is indeed a pleasure of working here, I am glad and happy to be a part of CPS family.

   Name: Bhavi Arya      Date: 7/31/2017 11:09:00 AM

Everyday it is a new teaching learning experience in CPS. This year, I got to be a part of Computer Champ books.Thank you Ashwini Maam and Deepa Maam for giving me this opportunity and guiding whenever needed. We (Computer Department Teacher) have written and published books for Std VI and VIII. It gives me great pleasure to be a part of team of authors.

   Name: Amruta Dike      Date: 7/31/2017 10:48:02 AM

We,computer teachers are always doing something innovative for the children with support of Ashwini Maam and Deepa Maam. One of the great achievement by the computer teachers is publishing Computer Champs for classes 6th and 8th. This year I have started giving logical questions are given to students,of class IX. I am overwhelmed by their answers and really appreciate their logical and analytical thinking. God Bless you dear children.

   Name: Shumona Sarbabhowm      Date: 7/31/2017 10:27:45 AM

It is a privilege of working here in this esteemed organization. As a new comer in City Pride School, I have experienced a very warm welcome by my coordinators, co-teachers and my students as well. A vast platform I have witnessed as a teacher as well here. I am contented of being posted among all my efficient colleagues.

   Name: Vaishali.Harugade      Date: 7/27/2017 11:14:29 AM

It is indeed a great pleasure ,working in City Pride School. Being a CREYA instructor it gives me an immense satisfaction to see kids growing in all aspects. Creya is indeed a fun learning activity for the kids as well as for teachers as it takes you to another platform of developing the life skills that are required to solve any practical problem.The kids are fortunate enough to get such a wonderful platform at such an young age. I feel very proud when they come up with some ideas which are really out of box. Its a great feeling of achievement for teachers like us.

   Name: Komala Rekha      Date: 7/25/2017 10:52:29 PM

Being a member of CPS family I can proudly say that we teachers work tirelessly to transform lives through education. From the day I have joined as a mentor for young children, I have experienced their unconditional love in many ways. Being a part of different departments and organising different competitions has made me confident enough to shoulder responsibilities and has helped me grow as a person. My mentors and peers are always supportive and cooperative. What a privilegeit is to be a part of such an amazing Institute, filled with such an amazing people! Komala Rekha

   Name: Kiwi Soni      Date: 7/5/2017 9:55:52 PM

That is what education should be!!- "The art of orientation". Whats more beautiful than to devise the simplest and most effective methods of turning young minds around!! I feel privileged to get this opportunity, here, in City Pride. A unique culture, working environment and freedom to customize the teaching pattern for holistic development of the children we handle. I am proud to be a part of this institution!!

   Name: Zeba H. Awati      Date: 4/30/2017 11:35:52 AM

hello to everyone, when I joined CPS a year ago I was extremely good with my computer and teaching skills but I have some issues with my management skills but one single event of cyber camp taught me more than any other management course will ever be. I am throughly astonished by the opportunity we all get in this Institution. One of the best thing I really like is the way students get to explore their talents in almost every interesting thing, like music, computer and many more. I am honoured to work with such A wonderful Institution and some of the most amazing people. Also not to forget my brilliant students. of cyber camp taught me more than any other management course will ever be. I am throughly astonished by the opportunity we all get in this Institution. One of the best thing I really like is the way students get to explore their talents in almost every interesting thing, like music, computer and many more. I am honoured to work with such A wonderful Institution and some of the most amazing people. Also not to forget my brilliant students.

   Name: Ashwini Bakshi      Date: 4/28/2017 4:21:16 PM

It gives me immense pleasure and joy to be a part of such a great educational institution where the growth of a student is given utmost importance. It gives me great joy in sharing our students achievements with you all. Shravan Sheth , Ashriwad Kankariya, Shreyas Grampurohit ,Mihir Sawai, Dev Kulkarni, Swanand Yamgar students of class VIII have successfully cleared the aptitude test of Spark Catch Them Young program organized by Infosys Company and will be going for a training in this summer. This summer training will help the students explore all the dimensions of the corporate world. Mentoring such bright students and to be a part of this institution which is actively participating in the development of the future of our nation is a great privilage.

   Name: Pallavi Chaudhari       Date: 3/8/2017 1:51:46 PM

To all the students of CPS family, Always give your best If you always try your best Then you will never have to wonder About what you could have done If you had summoned all your thunder. And if your best Was not a good As you hoped it would be, You still could say, I gave today All that I had in me.

   Name: Meghana Pange      Date: 3/8/2017 1:27:06 PM

Hi everyone, I am very happy since I have joined City Pride School ,one of the most innovative schools I have seen till date. I found the students to be very innovative, inquisitive and enthusiastic because of the exposure in each and every subject offered to them through activities , workshops ,seminars etc. Being a part of this school I am able to gather a lot of knowledge and implement activity based teaching learning process which brings a smile on my face!!!!!

   Name: Leena Jadhav      Date: 3/7/2017 7:48:10 PM

Dear All , I am totally humbled by the recent activities that took place in our school such as the Inter school Debate Competition, Student of the Year and LIC Student of the Year. it is such a wonderful feeling to see the children growing up so quuickly and reaching so many heights. Students like Dhanashree B, Yash Kulkarni, Anish Deshpande, Harshal Dhake were so young and naive when I first met them in lower classes. Today they are all smart, extremely confident and look like they are fully charged to take up more challenges of life. Kudos to all of them and others too. My best wishes to all for exams as well life.

   Name: Suvarna Sahastrabuddhe      Date: 3/6/2017 10:47:16 AM

My Cherishable Moment..... I joined City Pride School as a Class Teacher of 6th Std. I had never come accross the students & class whom I was appointed as a Class Teacher, neither the students knew anything about me. But the way I was welcomed by the students was simply overwhelming for me. Welcoming someone whom you have never met before and taking efforts for planning and executing the same was beyond admiration as they deserved more than that. I will always remember this wonderful experience forever.

   Name: garima gupta      Date: 3/3/2017 12:42:01 PM

Hi everyone, It is a great pleasure to be a member of city pride school. It was a learning experience to attend workshop conducted by Royal Society of Chemistry. It taught me how to make chemisrty interactive and fun, which was very useful to apply in classrooms.

   Name: Kiwi Soni      Date: 2/28/2017 12:35:16 AM

How fortunate I feel being a part of such a wonderful and flawless organisation!!! Its real pleasure handling young buds and helping them bloom naturally in City Pride.... I play a role of a mentor to the small ones of grade IV & V and help them in practicing Maths with Fun.....

   Name: Shabnoor Shaikh      Date: 2/3/2017 3:12:06 PM

Name: Shabnoor Shaikh Date: 03-02-2017 A small message to all the students of CPS. Although I am not their parent, I care for them each day, I cuddle,sing & read to them, and watch them as they play. I see each new accompishment and help them grow and learn. They come to me for comfort , I soothe away their tears, They proudly show their work to me. I give the loudest cheers. I know someday the time will come , when we may have to part, But I know each child I have cared for, Is forever in my heart.

   Name: sangeeta U kulkarni      Date: 2/3/2017 10:49:44 AM

Joining city pride was the best thing that happened to me. I become more techno savvy. Here I learned to teach effectively through various activities with enthusiastic students, co-operative colleagues and an encouraging management. I am enjoying my job.

   Name: Swati Inje      Date: 1/31/2017 3:33:36 PM

Hello friends , I am swati Inje . DISCOVERY Discover The Things. As a member of the Discovery team. I am happy to say that the changes in Discovery books and students kits, have made children joyful and excited through the year. I feel overwhelmed to get this opportunity of assembling teachers and students kit. I am proud to say that, to be a part of Discovery team and CPS family has improved my knowledge and experience in the same. Thanking you

   Name: Deepa Kalantri      Date: 1/31/2017 3:02:58 PM

Hello friends!I am really glad to mention that City Pride School had given me a wonderful apportunity to prepare a team forIIT Earthquake Quiz. It was a great experience to visit the VNIT campus of Nagpur and participate in the quiz. I am really proud of my team, they had tried their level best. Thanks to the CPS family for giving students as well as teachers such platform that helps to built the confidence and leadership qualities. Thank you.

   Name: swati inje      Date: 1/31/2017 11:55:16 AM

Hello friends, I am Swati Inje. Discovery discover the things . As a member of Discovery team , I am happy to say that the changes in Discovery books and students kits, have made children joyful and excited through out the year. I feel overwhelmed to get this opportunity of assembling teachers and students kits. I am proud to say that to be a part of discovery team & CPS family has improved my knowledge and experience in the same . Thanking you.

   Name: Shachi Srivastava      Date: 1/29/2017 7:09:56 PM

Hi, everyone! I am Shachi Srivastava and I have been a part of the City Pride School for past 2 years, and I would surely have to say that these 2 years have been nothing less than a roller coaster ride for me. Actually, I feel that not just me but for every teacher their students play a vital role in their life. At times when I am in the class, they come running to me with some question that pops up into their young, inquisitive minds. Just as I answer them, the happiness I see on their face is the most satisfying thing I have experienced in these 2 years. Also being a part of the Journalism team has given me a great experience in a completely new field of learning. So I would really like to thank our school for providing such a great platform for children and teachers too.....

   Name: Shachi Srivastava      Date: 1/29/2017 7:09:26 PM

Hi, everyone! I am Shachi Srivastava and I have been a part of the City Pride School for past 2 years, and I would surely have to say that these 2 years have been nothing less than a roller coaster ride for me. Actually, I feel that not just me but for every teacher their students play a vital role in their life. At times when I am in the class, they come running to me with some question that pops up into their young, inquisitive minds. Just as I answer them, the happiness I see on their face is the most satisfying thing I have experienced in these 2 years. Also being a part of the Journalism team has given me a great experience in a completely new field of learning. So I would really like to thank our school for providing such a great platform for children and teachers too.....

   Name: Smitha Rajit      Date: 1/25/2017 8:04:49 PM

What a priviledge it is to be a part of such an amazing Institution, filled with such amazing people! "Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions" thats exactly what I have learnt here since past 3yrs. Oops did I say 3yrs ????? Its really a long journey :) started as an amateur , now quite moulded with lot many responsibilities on my shoulder. Feel as a challenge , with great responsibility whenever I was asked to be part of various programmes, committees etc. Being a part of IEO Exam, was a great experience , learned new things in that, allotting the students, allotment of responsibilites, many more things were new but didnt at all felt the burden and moreover I was also organising for Republic Day 26th Jan17 simultaneosly. Somewhere I feel , I have grown as a person. Learnt people management to a small extent. Not to forget my Annual Day Function which I feel really proud to say I managed it on my own . From taking practice to getting their drapery, till the time of execution or on the stage, was a wonderful journey wherein my dear students and parents co-operated with me a lot. Hope to continue in the best possible manner in my future endevours. "You helped me see what I could be." a big thanks and gratitude to my Co-ordinators for constantly mentoring me, my colleagues for correcting my mistakes wherever needed and My Heads for supporting me with their love and keeping faith in me. thanks

   Name: Smita Menon      Date: 1/25/2017 11:53:50 AM

I have spent the knowledgeable days of my life in City Pride School. Every day from the date of joining till now its been a wonderful journey whereinI have only gained. I thank the Management for giving me opportunities whereI could grow and thank them for the immense faith they have in me.

   Name: Shrividhya Nair      Date: 1/24/2017 7:55:59 PM

I am very glad to be the member of City Pride family. Where i learned very good and innovative ideas. Among so many innovative ideas i would like to share one of it. The idea of displaying the creative art in the corridors, which really gave an amazing look. When the students activities were displayed in the corridor the smile and joy was seen on the face of the children and teachers too.

   Name: Hema Nair      Date: 1/21/2017 1:54:58 PM

As my 2nd year of experience in City Pride School, I find myself growing up with accepting new challenges and learned new lesson. As sharing the experience of class teacher the lessons I learn from children about life are so much more important than the lessons we teach them. Being a member of Exam department every moment was learning experience for me .So I feel proud to be a part of City Pride School.

   Name: Velamma Dass      Date: 1/10/2017 10:23:55 AM

After wonderful experience of my 5 years journey in City Pride School,I have seen my hidden talents growing. Last year,I wrote a script for intra-school competition which won first prize and this year,i enjoyed setting dance for std X Annual day.I t was so much refreshing as it made remember my childhood days.As Intra Committee head,I learned the skill of decision making,planning,organizing etc. In short,I enjoy working in City Pride School.

   Name: Philicina Thakur      Date: 12/24/2016 11:10:22 AM

You can always say that child is like a clay who has to be molded, shaped, guided, directed with instructions into a magnificient personality. Let every child be nurtured and nourished with the shower of love of his teacher to make him a good child. I have been blessed from past 10 years to be with these little ones and contribute to this noble task. It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings.

   Name: Sonali Karkhanis      Date: 12/23/2016 6:11:18 PM

Every child is unique , the tag line of our school itself portrays the thought that every child should be looked upon as a individual with different potentials. Every passing batch has beautiful memories for the teacher which she treasures forever. Their success and growth always gives her a sense of immense satisfaction. All the best dear children...lots of love...god bless

   Name: Mrs Jalpa Parekh       Date: 12/23/2016 4:15:00 PM

Name:Jalpa Parekh Date:23.12.16. Every child is gifted.They just unwrap their packages at different times.They may forget what you said but they will not forget how you made them feel.Similarly ,as a teacher my children have always made me feel special by their love and affection which I will treasure throughout my life ????

   Name: Preeti Maurya      Date: 12/23/2016 3:02:45 PM

I find myself extremely fortunate to be a part of this reputed school. It has been a great experience of being a part of the Competitive and Robotics Department. I have found myself growing here with every single day facing new challenges and learning new lessons. This year I was given the opportunity to perform on Children Day wherein I got to dress up as a school kid, which brought back sweet memories of my school days.I am thankful to everyone associated with the school who have made this journey meaningful and enriching for me.

   Name: DEEPALI TANPURE      Date: 12/23/2016 1:30:02 PM

Hi.. In City Pride school every moment is a learning experience and I feel privileged to be associated with City Pride School.

   Name: Padmaja Sathye      Date: 12/23/2016 11:58:49 AM

The satisfaction of teaching profession is actually realized when you are wanted by the students. I enjoyed this pleasure when I saw the joy on the faces of Std VI students (whom I had taught last year). Students are so expressive and innocent that their adoration for the teacher is reflected on their faces. This according to me keeps me going everyday. Three years at CPS - the staff and students have made me feel a part of one big family. The enthusiasm for every new activity, their eagerness for participation in every small and big event right from the decoration of the blackboard or putting up a mind blowing performance at the annual day has encouraged me to put in my best. As a class teacher, I get opportunities to bond with new students every year which deepens my experience. CPS is one of the schools that is power packed with activities and innovations every now and then. Tasks are completed by teaming up with students rather than imposing it on them. Thus I consider CPS as one of the Golden Opportunities in my professional life.

   Name: Geeta Kulkarni      Date: 12/22/2016 10:12:27 AM

It was an amazing experience to train a student of VIII std for solo performance. She performed on classical dance form and got selected for the second round in seed infotech among 40 participants in Pune.The second round was on the next day for which a new additional performance was needed. Student adopted the form and presented beautifully.It was indeed a touching moment.

   Name: Poonam Singh      Date: 12/20/2016 3:21:10 PM

This Year the School has given me the opportunity to serve as the Head of the Maths Dapartment and everyday I am learning new things. The platform given to me has changed me a lot as a person and has made me more Confident and Expressive. Iam very happy to be a part of CITY PRIDE SCHOOL.

   Name: Mrs. Ritu Jain      Date: 12/17/2016 2:57:30 PM

Hello I am a part of City Pride School since the foundation. Its really a great feeling to see the school growing from 4 classrooms to 40 classrooms. I have learn t many things in this 14 years. I have grown with City Pride School. I have always been teaching the classes of KG as well as Primary. It is really great to be with these children. The love and attachment which I get from them and which I give them is something very INCREDIBLE. My first batch students are very special for me. A batch which was with me for 2 years continuously. The time which I spent with them is unforgettable. Thank you City Pride School and Parents of those children for showing faith in me. Recently when my health was not keeping well, my colleagues have helped me a lot and they have taken care of me like my family members would have taken. Even the my students teachers both the Madams have taken so much care that I did not feel that I was in school. I think this is the bond which has connected the teachers with each other tightly. I would never wish to miss this strong bond of friendly environment of City Pride School. I am sure that this bond tightens every moment here after.

   Name: janhavi kadlaskar      Date: 12/17/2016 2:37:38 PM

Hi!! Everyone ,I am very greatful to be a part of City Pride Family for giving me an opportunity to train the children for Marathi drama. I got to learn many new things from the children as well as I came to know about my hidden talent. since three years I am teaching marathi.I am very thankful to my collegues as I learnt many more things from them which are helping me to enhance my way of teaching . I am very proud that I teach my mother tongue and I enjoy teaching the same. Iam very much overwhelmed by the great response which I get from my dear students while teaching marathi.

   Name: Aarti Ram Kumar      Date: 12/16/2016 10:56:58 AM

Our children are growing up in an interconnected world with incredible technological advancements and innovations. City Pride School give students an opportunity to understand the concepts and theories in a deeper and true sense by connecting their understanding to the real world through various innovative learning programs like CREYA and Work Education (Robotics, Electronics, Animation & Fashion Designing). Teaching CREYA and Robotics gives me immense satisfaction as it helps the students to correlate their classroom conceptual learning with the real world. I am very proud to see students of Std 5 writing scripts for their reporting session and presenting their edited recordings in front of whole class quite confidently. Three cheers for our Junior CPS reporters……...

   Name: Saroj Chouhan      Date: 12/10/2016 10:29:21 AM

I am Saroj Chouhan working in City Pride School since last 2 Year.It is a wonderful and delightful Experience working here.In our school Childrens Day celebrated in a very different way.We teachers perform for the children to see them happy.This year I did ramp walk in fashion show.The thing which delighted me was the appreciation I received from the students of STD X.It was really a touching moment for me.

   Name: Riya Gumaste      Date: 12/10/2016 10:26:49 AM

I am very proud to be a Fashion Designing Teacher in City Pride School. I am very thankful to the management for giving me this opportunity. I am thankful to the parents for the trust they have shown. I am very proud to see that my children from Std-VI-X have accomplished the task of designing and stitching their own clothes and finally they are going to present a fashion show in the Annual Gathering.Its indeed a very proud moment for any teacher to see her students growing.

   Name: Lubna Shaikh      Date: 12/9/2016 10:10:07 AM

CPS has always been like a family to me as I have always been treated like a family member. On this teachers day celebration I was extremely touched by Maya mams gesture when she came personally and gave me a gift. Such gestures are very encouraging for people working in any institution and Ill cherish that moment throughout my life.

   Name: Kamiya Sharma      Date: 12/7/2016 10:37:05 PM

This year we are working on cleanliness drive in the school and whenever my class got a chance to do so I felt so happy to see that all my children treat our school like their homes.. with brooms in their hands, picking up the waste from the ground with a smile.. we proudly can say that our children will make our country SWACHH BHARAT.

   Name: vaishali ugale      Date: 12/5/2016 11:23:33 AM

Children day is day to recognize that children are important and valued members of society.In city pride we celebrated this day with great joy.The teachers,performed plays,skits,songs and dances.which the children thoroughly enjoyed. most important We in City Pride believe that children need love and respect to grow to their full potential.

   Name: Shobana Gopalkrishnan      Date: 12/2/2016 12:08:53 PM

I have had many moments to cherish during my years at City Pride School, but the one where I am particularly proud of was the time when I won the award BEST TEACHER. It was truly an honour and priviledge to represent my school when I received it. I really thank the school for giving me the opportunity and platform to prove myself. Thank you Shobana Gopalkrishnan.

   Name: Priyanka Soni       Date: 11/29/2016 3:17:41 PM

I enjoy every moment of working as a Co ordinator in CPS .This year I accompanied the students for the class picnic and it was a wonderful experience to gel with them in an informal atmosphere. Such occassions are a good opportunity to know more about the lesser known qualities of a student and go a long way in establishing a rapport with them.

   Name: Ishani Punj      Date: 11/29/2016 3:12:12 PM

This year working for the Homi Bhabha exams and NSO exam was a wonderful experience. There was a lot to learn from it. Being associated with such projects is a good learning experience and with such talented students one is able to recharge one`s batteries.

   Name: Aparna kadam      Date: 11/29/2016 9:43:47 AM

City Pride School is well known for its innovative practices.I am happy to be a member of one such innovative practice. Recently the School has Marathi Drama classes to enhance dramatic skills of students.Through this activity I am also getting an opportunity to polish my own dramatic skills. Kudos to City Pride School for this creative and productive learning.

   Name: Praneedha Menon      Date: 11/25/2016 9:02:13 AM

As I reflect on my past 11 years as a teacher, I think of all the precious moments I have experienced. My job has led me to a beautiful path hand in hand with children, with their loving gaze, tenderness and unconditional love. Some bunch of children, whom I have taught in pre-primary have grown and growing to appear for their board exams. I wish them all the very best, to become a responsible adults and a pride to the society. These few lines I dedicate to them Its amazing how time flies The flock too is now matured to fly. Ready to touch the heights of the sky Its time to loosen the strings, Let us bid goodbye. Wishing them all the best To do well in all their tests. With courage, grit and determination And bring fame to the school and nation.

   Name: Mrs.Trupti Parde      Date: 11/23/2016 8:57:23 AM

Our School had celebrated childrens day on (18.11.16 ) Friday.I Performed a comedy skit for Std.II to Std.X and when I saw the students whom I taught in Std.I was so exited to see them and I was overwhelmed and touched.It is good to see how the children remember and love their old teachers too. I will always nurture their memory throughout my life.

   Name: Mrinalini G      Date: 11/21/2016 3:53:22 PM

This year participating and winning the Prabhat Abhyasnatya Spardha was a motivating experience. Working with such creative and effervescent students helps to bring out your best. Similarly working with the Student Council Department is a learning experience each day. It is a lesson in self discipline, planning, time management and decision making.

   Name: Mrs.Revati Ghogare      Date: 11/16/2016 2:12:19 PM

Safety and security committee arranged a fire and safety drill on 21.07.16 at 1.30 pm.All students and staff were informed priorly.It was a moment of pride to see all following rules and lining up on the ground with complete discipline in 3 minutes and 36 seconds.I think when one follows rules and regulations there is discipline and order.This important value should be imbibed by all.

   Name: Ranjitha Choukekar      Date: 10/4/2016 10:14:00 AM

Hi!!! It gives me colossal delight in sharing the 2nd prize for Transformers with my class VII Vigour , which we won during the Intra Competition week. Great efforts put in by my students which earned them this award. Proud to be with you !!!

   Name: Shilpa Joglekar       Date: 8/21/2016 12:14:18 PM

Myself Shilpa Joglekar, from the past 1 years working with City Pride School. It is an unique experience.Everyday is new learning along with my student and my colleagues.I have also learnt ,enjoyed and understood things around me.

   Name: Amrapali Dumbre      Date: 8/17/2016 2:01:21 PM

Yojak is an NGO run by our own City Pride School parents Mr. Atul Inamdar and Mrs. Renu Inamdar. The Ngo works for the upliftment of youth and children from the tribal and slum area community. We had visited the tribal community in Pangoli near with our 8th Std students as a field visit on 25th June 2016, Saturday. With the initiative of the organization our own students have planted trees in the forest area which was located just adjacent to the teachers and children to plant trees in the heavy rainfall. Children enjoyed it thouroughly. Last but not the least the efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Inamdar were truly inspiring for our children and teachers. Our School Director Dr. Ashwini Kulkarni Madam was also present for the same. IT was a great pleasure to have her amongst us for the field visit. To have such people around us has been a positive learning experience for us as a Counselor of the School. Proud to be a part of City Pride Family..... Mrs. Amrapali Dumbre School Counselor

   Name: mrs. poonam patel      Date: 8/17/2016 12:20:11 PM

The Parent child activity organized for the UKG section was an amazing experience...The team of the child and her or his parent were suppose to make a teaching aid..The purpose was to encourage parent to spend some creative fun time with the child in her school.The response was overwhelming...what touched us most was the presence of grandpas and grandmas and also the creative dads and moms inspite their busy schedule. the proud and happy look on the faces of children assured us that our goal was achieved.Many parents thanked the school for giving them this opportunity and that they never imagined that it would be so much of fun..However the creativity of the team needs a salute as the teaching aids were really wonderful. I think this activity has brought all of us a little more closer and it proved that time is the best gift that we can give our children. Regards Mrs Poonam Patel

   Name: Samruddhi Chatur      Date: 8/1/2016 5:12:19 PM

It gives me lot of pleasure to express my thoughts. The previous year has been a year of achievements. It was a wonderful news, when our school won the trophy of "Best School with Highest number of achievers in Maharashtra." This award was given by the Homibhabha Committee. Our three students won the gold medal and 2 students got the silver medal in the Homibhabha young scientists third level. One more great moment was when I witnessed our students getting award in the Ganit Adhyapak Mandal award function ceremony. The students were awarded for their wonderful performance in the "Mathex "exam. That was a proud moment to see our children in the stage getting awards. May our children and our school get many more awards in the years to come.

   Name: Reshma Chavan      Date: 7/29/2016 2:56:18 PM

I am extremely grateful to the school for giving me an opportunity to be a part of the training programme for Marathi Drama which recently started in school. Under this training students of Class IV & V are being trained by an expert Ms Madhuri Oak.

   Name: Ishani Punj      Date: 7/29/2016 2:08:13 PM

The year 2015-16 proved to be very eventful and joyful year for me. I was associated with intraschool , homi bhabha exam , N.S.O exam . Being assosiated with these activities was a very good learning experience for me .I was always surrounded by enthusiastic , cheerful and curious students who motivated me to do my best .

   Name: Yogita Vishwakarma      Date: 7/29/2016 11:06:07 AM

Greetings to all.... As usual C.P.S. rocks.... On 30th June 2016 was the Investiture Ceremony for the new Students Council . It turned out to be a successful event . I feel proud to be a part of the Students Council as I have got to learn a lot and will get to learn a lot in future too . I conclude by wishing Good luck to the students of the new Council .

   Name: Mrs.saylee Sonawne.      Date: 7/25/2016 11:25:30 AM

While conducting the practice for "ASHADHI EKADASHI " activity for std 1st to 8th where I experienced certain children were already knowing the "Gajar " & knowledge of Palakhi. It was appreciable that the legacy is been followed in many of the Families where parents inculcate "Indian Culture " to their Children.I enjoyed the activity along with my littile ones. The Palakhi Procession was a great success.

   Name: Varsha Salvi      Date: 7/24/2016 8:29:30 PM

Today, there is a lot of buzz happening around experiential educational, activity based learning and knowledge management. This, we think is a very innovative way for teaching discovered in recent times. But, this has been the whole essence of the Indian educational system. Last week, we celebrated the auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima. I feel grateful to all the great Gurus for keeping this civilization and culture alive for generations. I will visit back on certain aspects of Teachers and their teaching, citing the great Guru - Sage Vyas. Our ancient teachers had developed immense capabilities beyond their normal senses and were able to understand and translate the laws of the universe. For centuries, they passed on this knowledge to their students orally. As times passed, the knowledge became more enormous and complex to be passed on. At this juncture, Sage Vyasa compiled all this knowledge into different sections and simplified it through many stories and historical events. In this way he made a huge amount of wisdom available for everyone, thus setting up an excellent knowledge management system. Sage Vyasa was a great author. He wrote his scriptures on palm leaves in different formats for people with different personality types. The Four Vedas, several Upanishads, 18 Puranas, Brahmasutras, etc. If we combine, Guru s guidance, students presence and the ever flowing spirit of knowledge, we take forward the Guru-Sishya tradition. The Guru transfers not just the information but also the experience in a way that is appropriate to the student and thus actually it is the experiential knowledge which is transferred from a Guru to his disciple and not bookish knowledge. We always had experiential learning rooted in our culture. At City Pride too, we as Teachers should strive to abide by these principles, wherein our pupils not only gain knowledge, but also wisdom, wisdom that will hold their hands in darkness and light, through happiness and strife, and make them wise and pure human beings.

   Name: Sakina Bootwala      Date: 7/23/2016 10:09:39 AM

Dear Parents Date:23.07.2016 Its the begining of yet another year.New teachers ,new classrooms,new uniform marks the beginning of new year .Change in the individual perspective and the physical environment is always welcome and proves to be fruitful.As a part of a discovery team we too have brought about some changes.To begin with our Discovery book has got a brand new look.Wow! was the reaction of the children when they received it. We have also introduced a Quiz page in the center of the book to stimulate the students mind, Further we have planned and modified our activities to tap the childs interest and participation. Personally I have conducted some of the activities in the recent months and was satisfied to see the joy and excitement in the children.These are the moments we cherish the most. May god bless us and grant as many more moments to cherish.

   Name: Mrs. Sumta Bhattacharya      Date: 7/12/2016 12:26:38 PM

Hello friends, It was a very proud moment to witness the investeture ceremony as it was very well organised and systematic.I would like to appreciate previous and present members of student council for carrying out the programme successfully.The programme was supported with music given by the school band.

   Name: Mrs. Sumta Bhattacharya      Date: 7/12/2016 12:15:25 PM

Hello friends, It gives me a great pleasure to share that this year 2016-17 the student council programme was well organized and the function proceeded very smartly by the previous student council right from the handing over ceremony to paying salute to the present student council forwarded by the procession by the school band .Its my special thanks to all our student council students and the band sudents.

   Name: Syamala Dusane      Date: 7/5/2016 10:47:23 AM

Date:22.06.2016 It gives me immense pleasure to share the experience of entering the class and the stuents overwhelmingly welcome and are super excited to know that I will be teaching them a particular subject.The satisfaction you see in their eyes gives true sense of achievement of being an important part in a student life.Thankyou dear students for the genuine love.Will surely try to fulfil your hopes and expectations.God bless.Syamala Dusane-School Counselor.

   Name: Amruta Dike      Date: 7/1/2016 12:02:41 PM

I really feel proud to be a member of City Pride Family. It is immense pleasure to be guided by Ashwini Mam and Deepa Mam. Writing Computer Camps, the computer book for school is really a dream come true. Mam you always inspire us with your out of the box thinking. This year City Pride Jr. College topped the Pune Division for admissions. Along with academics, our college ensures overall development of child and hence his future. We are really "Reaching New Heights".

   Name: Leena Jadhav      Date: 6/27/2016 7:16:10 PM

Another wonderful year of experience has passed. I sometimes wonder which other profession endows us with such a rich harvest of experiences! This year my class (STD X Hope) won the Best Class Award [2015-16]. This was the same batch that won the same award in STD VII ! Truly deserving class! No matter how much I praise them , it will still be miniscule in comaprison to their love, their dedication towards each other and towards their teachers. This is also the year of so many great achievements, such as Avni Jain making us proud with her performance, Rishabh Agarwal, Saismrithi Bhat, Sourav Chandak, Manasi Kadam and others passing brilliantly. over 50 students secured A1 in English, and so on.... But more than that I shall cherish their complete trust in me as their class teacher, outdoing their own performances in each test, excelling not only in their own performance but also helping others in the class to perform better.. My class was a complete entertainment packege. I thank all my children from the bottom of my heart and wish them all the very best in their future endeavours. GOD BLESS ALL

   Name: Mr. D. R. Kande (Parent)      Date: 6/6/2016 9:37:23 AM

I am very grateful to Dr. Ashwini Kulkarni, for giving my children concession in fees. Because of this, I could fulfill my dream of educating my children in an english medium school. I will never ever forget what you have done for me. Gob bless you! May City Pride School prosper and reach new heights. Mr. D. R. Kande

   Name: Amruta dike      Date: 3/30/2016 8:20:38 AM

It is a very proud moment for me to see that my little ones are grown up and are developing wonderful apps which are also useful to the society. It is all because of the dedication and hard work of Yashwardhan Dixit, Ved Khandekar, Bhavesh Doshi and Aditya Patil that we have accomplished AVISHYAT. Boys, you are a wonderful team and all of you are headed in the right direction and will definitely reach new heights!! Very proud of all of you!! I sincerely appreciate your role in the project and wish that you would keep up the good work in future too.

   Name: Poonam Gupta       Date: 3/22/2016 12:17:07 PM

The visit to Monteria Resort was indeed a cherishing one for me. I explored so much about class VI students. They shared their fears, some told about their weaknesses and some just hugged me. They were definitely emotional moments for me to embrace.

   Name: swati Inje      Date: 3/22/2016 9:48:12 AM

"Discovery" Discover the potential within in a child. I joined City Pride School in the middle of the year 2014 [December] as a Discovery Lab Assistance. There are many experiment conducted in the "Discovery Lab". The best experience which I would like to share with all of you is when the students prepare their own kit, the smile on their face, when a kit is fully working is adorable. It satisfies me a lot. Students come up with wonderful, creative and innovative ideas.

   Name: Kausar Muke      Date: 3/21/2016 1:24:20 PM

Myself Kausar Muke, from the past 2 years working with City Pride School. It is an unique experience.Everyday is new learning along with my student and my colleagues.I have also learnt ,enjoyed and understood things around me.

   Name: Mr. Ajay Gaikwad      Date: 3/18/2016 1:00:43 PM

Respected Dr. Mrs. Kulkarni Madam and Mrs. Poonam Madam............... First of all thank you very much for the pains you are taking for developing our kids...........of LKG I personally believe.............that the timings for UKG from 2016-17...decided as 1.30pm to 4.30pm.or so may be due to some technical problem.......of space...............As ?I know this school from last 3 years......... WHATEVER THE TIMINGS OF THIS SCHOOL I MR. and MRS. GAIKWAD..ARE WITH YOU...........AS A PARENT..........FOR CITY PRIDE SCHOOL........ as we believe in this school................that does not mean that other parents are not believing..............but may be they have other problems........... but one should adjust for at least ONE year............. Once again thank you to you and all your Teaching Non-teaching team........for the work........... Specially Mrs. Poonam .....Madam.............GOOD GOING..............ALL THE BEST...... MR. AJAY GAIKWAD P/O MST. ISHAN AJAY GAIKWAD, OSWALD CLASS Lkg

   Name: Mr.Amol Raut      Date: 3/14/2016 9:30:03 AM

It was indeed a great experience to see the amazing co-ordination among the little budding artist of std.II who performed for Annual concert at their best.My best wishes to all my students to excel in future in art of tabla.

   Name: Deepali Tanpure      Date: 3/3/2016 3:08:14 PM

Everyday has been the learning experience for me in CPS. Being a part of cultural committee, I enjoyed every work assigned to me. The most memorable and cherishing days were with std IV while training them for the jungle dance. Looking forward to the next academic year with same vigor and enthusiasm.

   Name: Mrs.Dipannita G.Mitra      Date: 3/2/2016 2:10:21 PM

It is an honour to be a part of City Pride family. For City Pride School the year 2015-16 has been full of achievements. From the beginning of the year, our students have been showing their talent in different areas and achieving success. Being a teacher of City Pride School it is really a proud feeling for me. As I am teaching computer to the students, it gives me great satisfaction of teaching Computer in an innovative way. Working here is indeed a valuable experience. I am highly indebted to the school for making me proud member of City Pride Family.

   Name: sanjogeeta prasad      Date: 2/22/2016 3:13:26 PM

Its being a good experience while working here in City Pride School since April 2015. I have learnt a lot and got ample opportunities to showcase my knowledge and talent . At Hindi divas celebration I have trained 1st Std students for dance performance which I enjoyed a lot and also learnt how to handle the students more effectively and efficiently . While in course of teaching and learning I got full support and guidance from my seniors and co-teachers.

   Name: Syamala Dusane      Date: 2/5/2016 2:33:29 PM

Hello parents, students and teachers! I wish to express my thoughts about the few events witnessed and of which I was a part. During the Kalaranjan Programme[Diwali celebration of the entire staff of City Pride and IICMR],it was a pleasure performing a song with the Tais of our school. It was more satisfying when they came back and thanked, as they had got an opportunity to be themselves and express their hidden talents in front of everyone. Proud of you dear Tais!!!! Talking about the Department event, Student of the Year which was held on 19th December 2015, I feel proud to share that our students are reaching new heights day by day. The participants and the winners have done an excellent job; they have made us all proud!!!! Proud of you dear students!! i would also like to congratulate and appreciate the efforts shown by our school ministers during every event which takes place int he school. Ministers Zindabad!!!! It was great pleasure and enthusiasm to see our students perform on Sports Day!!! I would like to congratulate the entire team of Sports to put in excellent efforts to get the program to a success. Our Tais have shown excellent presence of mind during the event on the ground, they have helped and worked very systematically and I feel proud of them all!!! Proud of you all Sports Teachers!!! All in all, I feel proud to be a part of every event which takes place, as it proves a new learning experience for everyone!!! As a Counselor it gives me immense satisfaction when we get unconditional love from our students, who look upto us with lots of hopes, when faced with any difficulty. The simplest of happiness they express when they see me as their invigilator during exams, acts as a pleasant surprise for me. Thank you all. Mrs. Syamala Dusane School Counselor

   Name: Mrs. Kamala Sridharan      Date: 2/5/2016 2:30:54 PM

I take immense pleasure in sharing my experience with CPS students. They are very much affectionate and attached to their teachers. As a class-teacher I accompanied them to Ahmadabad. That was really a wonderful experience. A unique bond I could feel afterwards. It was a pleasure to be with those children.

   Name: Deepa Kalantri      Date: 2/5/2016 9:14:49 AM

For City Pride School the year 2015-16 has been full of achievements. From the beginning of the year, our students have been showing their talent in different areas and achieving success such as Athletics, Students of the year, IIT Earthquake etc. Being a teacher and a member of the City Pride family, it is really a proud feeling for me. As I am teaching discovery subject to the students, it gives me great satisfaction of teaching science in an innovative way. Really it is a best platform for the young budding scientists, the one that we had definitely missed in our childhood.

   Name: kalpana mishra      Date: 2/2/2016 9:35:07 AM

I joined the school this year as a part time teacher. I want to share one experience regarding the role play activity done by X class students. Topic for this activity was " Life Processes". My students came up with the wonderful creative ideas to explain the different Life processes. I am proud of my X class students. In addition to this i like the working system and transparency of the school. As a teacher we have freedom to share our views and to give suggestions. I appreciate the co-operation of management , heads, co-ordinator and teachers.

   Name: Mrs. Pallavi Chaudhari      Date: 2/1/2016 2:19:23 PM

"Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world". This year I was lucky to get the same class again. I Really feel proud to see lot of improvement in my few kids.The improvement in my class kids make me feel the best emotions one can imagine.

   Name: PREETI MAURYA      Date: 1/29/2016 2:13:40 PM

It is an honour to be a part of City Pride family. I joined the school as Maths teacher this year in April. I was extremely happy to find a friendly and co-operative atmosphere all around the school. When I entered the school premises, I had good content knowledge, but I was little raw initially. After working with my colleagues and heads, I can say that I am a little refined. I am highly indebted to the school for making me a proud member of City Pride School Family.

   Name: Manasi Vallentine      Date: 1/29/2016 11:56:48 AM

Being a teacher is a training for self in many aspects and discovering the potential within you which you thought you never had. I got an opportunity to train Class IV students for NSO examinations. It was a journey of imparting even the "out of textbook knowledge" to the students. Their unquenchable thirst for science compelled me to raise up my bar of knowledge. Another occasion was preparing the class III and IV for sports day. As a non dancer, I learned dancing along with the children. Students are a joyous surprise everyday..

   Name: Anaya Kulkarni      Date: 1/29/2016 11:47:59 AM

Since 5 yrs I am working as a head of German Department in City Pride School. It gives me immense pleasure to know that the interest regarding German language is increasing gradually among students. The two German Learning CDs and the German Grammar book prepared by German Department have proved very useful to the students. Disha Gupta scored 100/100 marks in German in X Std. Board Exam. CPS Students have bagged many prizes in German Essay Writing Competition organized by Samwaad Language Institute. I am really proud of my students.

   Name: Mrs.saylee Sonawne.      Date: 1/28/2016 3:55:18 PM

"RHYTHM" CULTURAL INTER-SCHOOL EVENT was very challenging . It was a glory by my dear students who won the 1st prize among the 11 schools and I Pray to God to keep this motivational spirit on and on throughout the life.Thanks

   Name: Ms. sayali Bhide       Date: 1/28/2016 3:49:08 PM

This is my 1st experience as a music teacher in a very reputed Institute.Very blessed to have a good set of interested students who has good grasping skill. I am too inspired to execute the best to them. Thanks.

   Name: Nisha. M. Panicker      Date: 1/28/2016 3:22:46 PM

Dedication involves making the space to let young ideas take hold,every tree was once a seed and every company was once an idea. Zephyr Bloch Jorgensen. It gives me immense pleasure to be associated with City Pride School as a Social Science teacher for the past 7 years and I enjoy each moment, teaching and learning.

   Name: Mrs. Geeta Kulkarni      Date: 1/28/2016 1:30:49 PM

It was thrill to set a dance on Republic Day with the help of my co-teacher within 2 days. I appreciate dance students who were so prompt to acquire the steps. God bless them. :-)

   Name: Anita Gaikwad      Date: 1/28/2016 1:28:39 PM

As the librarian of City Pride School, I am proud to say that the CPS library gives Avid Reader Award to students of class 1st to class 10th to promote and enhance their reading habits. These readers are allowed to take two books at a time. Hence, they eagerly wait for the library period every week and enjoy the ambiance filled with books, soft music and the pleasant atmosphere of library.

   Name: Ms. Kusum Chavan      Date: 1/28/2016 1:09:23 PM

It was an immense pleasure to work on a music project assigned by Jnana Prabodhini School, Nigdi. It was a project of teaching Swami Vivekanand song to the whole school. I was very touched with the gesture to see the team work and the cooperation given by my heads, parents, dear students and all my colleagues.

   Name: Priyanka Soni      Date: 1/28/2016 10:59:43 AM

This is my first year as a Co-ordinator. It has enriched by experience and personally I have learnt a lot. I am fortunate to have this wonderful bonding with students who share their thoughts, concerns and even jokes with me. I do all my best to help them. I feel that this bonding will remain for years to come. Thank you CPS for giving me this opportunity.

   Name: Padmaja Sathye      Date: 1/28/2016 10:25:50 AM

We celebrated the 67th Republic Day this year. The celebration in the school was overwhelming. The students performed with great enthusiasm and gave message to save the environment. I as a teacher (who are known as nation builder), wish to see these children uplifting our country in various ways.

   Name: poonam singh      Date: 1/27/2016 10:48:42 AM

I joined CITY PRIDE SCHOOL this year (2015-16) as math teacher and it gives me immense joy to stated that I have accomplished total success in grooming the remedial students of class X in mathematics, I am confident and I pray that they do best in the board exam.

   Name: ANNAPURNA ORUGANTY      Date: 12/9/2015 10:36:54 PM

It gives me an immense pleasure to be a part of city pride family.I as a pre-primary teacher since 9 years enjoy each and every moment of teaching as well as learning.Iam priviliged to be with these tiny tots.The little ones share so many things with me.I feel so fortunate to be close with them.Their smiling faces makes every day special for me.

   Name: Mrs Shaila Bennur      Date: 12/8/2015 12:01:14 AM

Date: School is the foundation on which the citizens of tomorrow are built. This is my 1st year in City Pride School as a KG teacher, the main objective of our institute is to provide quality education. And I have observed that we all here are striving to give quality education. We have understood that, each child has a hidden treasure of talents, skills and creativity. Every child is unique in its own way. So we try to make every activity child oriented.Finally the love that we get from our children is what matter to us the most. Shaila Bennur.

   Name: JALPA PAREKH      Date: 12/3/2015 6:02:58 PM

NAME:JALPA PAREKH DT.3.12.15 I am working as a pre-primary teacher from last 6 years. Being a teacher in the KG-section,my day starts with my tiny little tots. Their smile, touch and their innocent talks make my day and life more memorable and wonderful. "Every child is unique".Every unique skill and talent has the potential to make them a SUPERSTAR.So for me every child in my class is very special and superstar for me.I would like to add that, "We worry about what a child will become tommorrow ,yet we forget that he/she is someone today". JALPA PAREKH.

   Name: Aniruddha Tongaonkar      Date: 11/30/2015 12:53:09 PM

City Pride School,Nigdi is a very promising school with a different vision for development of a child,in our area. Our both the children are in the same school and over the years we have been experiencing a very good association with the school. Be it academics, sports, arts or other extracurricular activities, we are very happy and satisfied with the approach of the school. In academics there is individual attention to every student. All the teachers are very cooperative. They do inform us about good as well as bad qualities of your lad. There are many educational activities going on through out year, helping child gain success at many diffrent levels, to boost his / her confidence. The school is taking lot of efforts at all possible level to make this happen, best example is its preparation for the scholarship exams. We got special assistance from the school when our son participated for science exhibition at national level at New Delhi. Apart from this various sports activities are also conductedd. It has very big ground, always occupied by the students. Morning sports session is the part of the daily routine. The school also looks after the cultural developments of the child,ie dance,tabla,music and so on. They have special teachers appointed for all these activities. The yearly long distance trips for all the classes are very well organized so that we can send our children without hesitation. Last but not the least, we had a great experience with all the staff, right from the school Principal to any class 4 servant. The special programs are arranged to felicitate and encourage special achievers in all competitive exams is a treat to attend. All in all a very good school indeed. We are proud to be a part of it. Thanks.

   Name: Narendra Varma      Date: 11/6/2015 12:28:00 PM

We feel our dughter Avani Varma to be fortunate to study in City Pride School.We are thankful to the teachers,management and the support staff for proving such good facilities for brightening the future of the students.Thanks!

   Name: Aarti Ramkumar      Date: 10/30/2015 12:22:07 PM

Being an Engineer, I had never thought of teaching in a school. But after being part of CPS Family, my views changed. Teaching Robotics is giving me Professional satisfaction too. My association with a progressive organization like City Pride School always gives me scope to update my knowledge and skills in accordance with the latest trends. I would like to thank our management for always supporting us so that we can give our Best....

   Name: Mrs Mrinalini Gholap      Date: 10/29/2015 4:02:06 PM

Being associated with City Pride as an English teacher gives me immense pleasure, as I enjoy each moment, teaching and learning.I am deeply indebted to the school for giving freedom to the teachers to explore , innovative teaching methods that keep the students motivated. Being a part of the Journalism team gave me an opportunity to showcase my talent as a creative writer and explore the creative writers in the students. The workshops that are held on journalism from time to time are immensly useful for the budding journos. They also help them to develop their point of view, express themselves assertively and think clearly. Working here is indeed a valuable experience.

   Name: Deepak Jain      Date: 10/28/2015 9:29:11 AM

"I have joined City Pride School this year . I appreciate the way students from higher classes come with doubts of higher order thinking after their regular periods.I enjoy the brainstorming session with them.Such environment inspires and motivates to do a little more." -Deepak Jain

   Name: SANDHYA PATIL      Date: 10/27/2015 1:04:03 PM

Its a privilege for me to be a teacher of our little wonders of KG section from past four years.These years I have observed that the best smiles and happiest expressions on the little faces have been when they are playing with their friends either indoor or outdoor. Understanding this our school has gifted our little ones with a "Chhota Bheem" outdoor play area. This has been the best gift which our children enjoy the most.On behalf of all of us I would like to thank the school for it.

   Name: Sangeeta Kulkarni      Date: 10/26/2015 3:48:50 PM

As a Hindi teacher for std. III, IV , V. I got an opportunity to prepare a short programme for Hindi Diwas on 14th Sep. 2015. The students were quite enthusiastic and quick to grasp the dialogues of the skit. They zealously performed the Puppet Show all by themselves in - Shudh Hindi. By the end of the day, I was overwhelmed by the students performance. It was indeed a memorable day in my life.

   Name: Juveriya Inamdar      Date: 10/26/2015 12:07:36 PM

As a teacher I am fortunate enough to be in City Pride School. Everyday is a learning and challenging phase. Spending time with children during lunch break brings me closer to them. They share so many things innocently with me. I feel so fortunate to be close to them. Listening to their conversation I can figure out their happiness and eagerness to come to school. They are very happy to come to school everyday and learn the new activities or things. I enjoy everyday with them...........

   Name: Riya Gumaste      Date: 10/26/2015 9:30:04 AM

I , Riya Gumaste has been working with City Pride School for more than one year and overall it has been a delightful and wonderful experience to be associated with such an esteemed institute. My most cherished moment has been when i was felicitated in the Super Achiever Programme and when we organised a Ganesh Idol making camp in our school campus. The love and respect I have received as a teacher from my students and colleagues have been my prized possession during last one year of my service.

   Name: Lubna Shaikh      Date: 10/21/2015 12:25:52 PM

Getting the Best Class award last year(2014-15) was a great achievement for me as I was the class teacher. Today I have completed four years in this institution. Looking back I feel that I had a very satisfying journey teaching Maths to the brilliant, enthusiastic and cheerful students. Getting Best Class Award was also an honour for my students who were always attentive and were by my side.

   Name: Ms. Usha Ramesh      Date: 10/19/2015 3:19:37 PM

My experience in the journalism committee was an eye-opener.What we take for granted in newspapers involves meticulous planning, execution, re-working, editing etc until the final copy sees the light of day. It is a labour of love filled with deadlines, targets, and innumerable other things. The first issue of our school newspaper aptly called -The Quest was a landmark moment for all of us in the team. It is an indescribable feeling to see ones creation in black and white. Especially to motivate the children to write articles, poems or any other creative endeavour, then vet them, and select suitable articles for publishing was a rich and fulfilling experience. When we finally nursed the paper in our hands, it was like holding ones baby ! The birth of a new one is always a source of endless joy and ecstasy. Our Quest was a bundle of joy for me personally.

   Name: Revati Ghogre      Date: 10/19/2015 10:25:59 AM

One of the happiest moment in my life was when Mugdha Wavhal Std 4th received "Balshahir Award" 7th March 2015 at the hands of Mrs.Madhura Ambekar. Mugdha has been singing the famous Marathi folk "Powada" since she was three years old. "Powada" concentrates on life of great people like Shivaji Maharaj, Tulza Bhavani, Rani Laxmibai, etc. She sings it with style along with the instrument called Daf. Inspite of being such an old poetic form, she loves to sing it and that makes me proud of her because she and children with her will keep this tradition alive. I congratulate her and her parents on this occasion.

   Name: Reshma Santosh Chavan      Date: 9/28/2015 9:07:51 AM

A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR ME! Our executive Director Dr.Ashwini Kulkarni madams dream of journalism in our school has come true.Its a wonderful oppportunity not only for students but also for me to handle interviews , making writeups, gathering news,organizing it , giving direction to an idea, working on it to its finality .I feel charged up doing this work .I thank the school for giving me this opportunity to work with children and learn more about journalism.

   Name: Poonam Dhamale      Date: 9/24/2015 3:35:21 PM

As a Teacher this is my second year in the school.I was mesmerized by the Janamshtmi Celebration in City Pride School. I felt very happy because the girls too had a separate Handi to break just as the boys .All the children as well as Teachers enthusiastically participated in the function . The pre-primary and primary section children had dressed up colorfully as Radha and Natkat Krishna. It was an auspicious celebration which overwhelmed me. Poonam Dhamale

   Name: Shobana Gopalkrishnan      Date: 9/24/2015 12:29:28 PM

This year I got an opportunity to teach social studies to Std III students. The lessons are quite interesting for the students. I am really amazed by the kind of questions put forth by the students. The questions posed by the students are of higher intellectual level. Due to this attitude of learning more it has challenged my teaching wherein I have to sharpen my skills day in and out. I am very fortunate to have such set of students. I am thankful to the parents who develop such curiosity in the students. Shobana Gopalkrishnan (Co-ordinator) 24.9.15

   Name: Manju Sharma      Date: 9/24/2015 9:27:47 AM

Hindi Divas is annual literary day celebrated on 14th september in India and other countries where Hindi speaking population is there . Our school ` City Pride school is always keen in promoting cultural heritage and values in children . As a head Hindi department I was given this privilege to organize the programme on this day to display its importance .Students attended various competitions like Hindi extempore , handwriting . Certain shows like skit , puppet show , dance and monoacting were performed by our children on the occassion of Hindi diwas along with great ferver . As a Hindi teacher , I felt very proud and happy and I thank my management for showing faith in me .

   Name: Ms. Amrapali Dumbre (School Counselor)      Date: 9/21/2015 10:39:51 AM

It gives me immense pleasure to come back to City Pride Family after 5 years. Working here has always been an inspiration and a learning experience. Looking at children grow so fruitfully is something that keeps me going everyday. Being counsellors, they look upto us for guidance. Hope we act as candles, lighting other candles and help in brightening their lives.

   Name: Mrs Bhagyashri Nadkarni      Date: 9/19/2015 11:02:03 PM

Name:Mrs Bhagyashri Nadkarni Class:UKG Ben10 Date:19/9/15 "While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." I feel every moment is cherishable, when children see with their innocent loving faces,when they do small pranks,open up with their ideas and share their thoughts. Its a learning experience being with them.Their indefinite love keeps me moved and touched.So many things even a teacher can learn from her children.Feeling blessed being in this profession.

   Name: Hema Nair      Date: 9/10/2015 3:29:52 PM

"Math is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit." It gives me immense pleasure to share my views with you. Its my first year in City Pride School. Being a part of City Pride School is an honour. The Heads of the school and colleagues are very co operative. I would like to share my experience of my first Interaction day. Many parents told me that the students have developed an interest and have started liking the subject Maths very much.The concepts are clear to them,they started teaching the concept at home. It was indeed the happiest moment for me to know this. I feel proud to be in an Institution with an encouraging Management and the brightest and smartest children around me. Such a conducive atmosphere will bring out the best in me.

   Name: Mrs. Jayshri deshmukh      Date: 9/7/2015 1:41:15 PM

Jayshri Deshmukh (LKG Donald) Last year I was the teacher of 2nd joy ,last day of the school was the most touching moment in my life . All the children shared their experiences and feelings of whole year. After that I also shared my experience and feelings ,really I became emotional and my emotions came through tears. All children came and hugged me.That day I came to know how much I was involved in the children and City Pride School I really value the love and care of my students.

   Name: Mrs. Prajakta B.Dongare      Date: 9/3/2015 9:56:50 PM

Happy Teachers Day to all Teachers of City Pride School. Thanks for all your support, guidance to all students. Appreciate the efforts taken by all the teachers. Special thanks to Mrs. Sumita Bhattacharya Mam ( co-ordinator for II std) for appreciating our little ones in every nice or new thing they do. Keep up the good work. Have a gr8 day ahead! Thanks and regards, Mrs.Prajakta B. Dongare Mother of Omkar and Ojas Dongare( II Peace)

   Name: Shilpa Joglekar      Date: 9/3/2015 9:45:45 AM

Shilpa Joglekar This was my first experience.It is a wonderful experience teaching in CITY PRIDE.There are so many moments which I can cherish,its actually hard to pick one. When I entered the premises I was a little apprehensive as this is the first CBSE school I am working for. My Heads are approachable,they have problem solving attitude. They help us in learning and growing and they are quite understanding.

   Name: Kamiya Sharma      Date: 8/28/2015 8:07:00 AM

Celebrating 69th year of Independence. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We should not pass it to our children. It must be fought for and protected.Being a teacher of City Pride School where the children are set free in the open sky I have observed the difference between freedom and liberty. I attended Super achievers felicitation program on 20th Aug 2015and I was overwhelmed to see172 students as achievers. What I felt that day is that some birds are not meant to be caged. That is all! And when you open the cage they fly past you and that feeling is out of this world. So many evils prevailing in our society so the goal in raising the children is not to protect them from pain or undesirable circumstances but to equip them with what they need to be responsible, independent and resilient adults and City Pride is doing the same.

   Name: Shilpa Joglekar      Date: 8/27/2015 2:34:24 PM

This was my first experience .It is a wonderful experience teaching in CITY PRIDE. There are so many moments which I can cherish, its actually hard to pick one.When I entered the premises I was a little apprehensive as this is the first CBSE School I am working for.My Heads are approachable,they have problem solving attitude. They help us in learning and growing and they are quite understanding. Shilpa Joglekar (27/08/15)

   Name: Saroj chouhan      Date: 8/27/2015 10:10:21 AM

I Saroj Chouhan working in city pride school since last year.It is a wonderful and delightfulexperience working here.The most heart touching moment for me is when I receive love and respect from my children.My happiness had no bounds when I was felicitated in "Super Achiever" programme.It was the most memorable moment for me.

   Name: Sandhya Kuber      Date: 8/26/2015 10:57:20 AM

Appreciation develops enthusiasm, encouragement and motivation. Same way I went through all these feelings when I was appreciated during closure meeting (2014-15) by std III parents.

   Name: Aparna Kadam      Date: 8/26/2015 10:46:10 AM

This academic year I have been given the opportunity to teach Marathi to Std -III.It gives me immense satisfaction as the children from this class have performed very well in the Formative Assessment -2 .It makes me happy to say that the students who do not speak marathi at home have excelled in the exam . It is really gratifying for a teacher when the students fare well. It gives a feeling of fulfillment .

   Name: Vineeta Depolkar      Date: 8/18/2015 1:51:59 PM

Empower, enthuse and evoke are the keywords that one can actually experience in the City Pride School. As a part of Journalism Committee. I am learning many new things related to journalism and I have also discovered certain latent management skills. Developing a grammar book for Std.VIII was another eyeopener for me. I developed the course material along with Ms.Anaya Kulkarni and also learnt the designing and publishing to some extent. For this I shall always be grateful to the school.

   Name: Varsha Salvi      Date: 8/13/2015 4:05:05 PM

Name: Varsha SalviStd: II WisdomDate: 13.08.15 (Thursday) It has not been a long time since I have joined City Pride School, still, I feel as an integral part of the school. Thanks to my superiors, colleagues and juniors alike, who have been instrumental in making my endeavor, most delightful and enlightening.Hailing from a background of personality coaching and English teaching for various age groups, I found City Pride as an excellent platform to utilize my skills to mould young minds, to accompany and nurture them in their passion towards being knowledgeable and socially responsible individuals.LEARNING NEVER STOPS. THERE IS ALWAYS A SCOPE OF IMPROVEMENT.Thus, we as teachers are ever evolving our standards to elevate our supreme skill - that is to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Here, every day starts with new learning experience, for students as well as teachers.There is lot to learn and a lot to let learn, and I look forward to explore more and impart an enriched learning experience with the best-in-class learning aids that the school has to offer. As the great Albert Einstein said “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of mind to think”Happy Learning!

   Name: shabnoor Shaikh      Date: 8/13/2015 2:05:16 PM

Name: Shabnoor Shaikh Designation: Class Teacher-II Peace. "Sharing and caring is the most important thought which we try to inbuilt in our children, which I am observing in Pranitha W over the period of time" We have a star named Pranitha W. who is of the same age among children but I would like to share and appreciate her patience , thinking ability and skills of understanding the way she handles one of her classmate and helps him to overcome his tantrums simultaneously managing his studies and completion of work. Its remarkable to see this quality at this age. I feel proud to have such a student in my class. Looking at this child, I truely feel " We can learn something new everyday, If we observe these angels..."

   Name: Neha Vaswani      Date: 8/8/2015 12:33:00 PM

Name: Neha Vaswani Designation: Counselor Being a part of City Pride family gives us many moments that we cherish. To work as a counselor itself is a previlege, apart from being favorite of many children, the trust we have earned from our parents, children and all the members of City Pride School is a great achievement. When children come and express openly, look forward for our guidance and grow is our reward. Few examples, "After getting star of the week, child runs towards you and says, "this happened to me, because of your motivation." OR Parents sharing, "My child trusts you the most and you inspire him. He/she idolizes you" and many more. Seeing our little stars shine and perform in so many different areas, our heart is filled with Joy and Pride. As we all know Intra-school week for std 6-10 just got over. As a member of Intra-school committee, the success of the event was a Euphoric moment for the whole committee. Seeing our children enjoy and very enthusiatically participate and perform was very enlightening. I thank my authorities and the team for the efforts everyone sowed to make it a success. i thank every member of City Pride to make this journey a memorable one.

   Name: seema ovhal      Date: 8/3/2015 9:33:35 PM

As it is truly said that Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I Seek can I go, Only As deep as I look can I see, Only As much as I dream I can be. I being a Preprimary teacher learned many things from the Children through this saying that every child has its own imagination where in I have learned to full fill their thoughts by spending Happy moment with the children.

   Name: Ishani Punj       Date: 7/30/2015 12:09:12 PM


                                 Education and competitions are two universal ingredients of all human cultures. We have always considered education and competitions as important entities, both in past and in the present. Competitions inculcate perfect outlets for skills and knowledge that the students gain in the classrooms. It is also an oppurtunity to compete with their friends and achieve something worthwhile, while maintaining the spirits of competitions. Engaging in school competitions makes a substantial contribution to a successful school life.


                                      I want to share my experience as the head of intra school competitions. Initially I was a bit apprehensive about leading the intra school competition. I was not aware of my abilities, but soon I realized that it was an excellent oppurtunity. I learnt managing skills, communicating confidently. Today I ask myself what I achieved from Intra School competitions?


   The answer is self awareness, awareness of my skill, knowledge and abilities. Thanks to the authorities for showing faith in me.



   Name: vaishali ugale      Date: 7/29/2015 4:03:29 PM

        Being a member of city pride school is an honour . The Heads of the school and my colleagues are so co-operative that I feel very overwhelmed at times.Appreciation of work is one of the highest achievements .Recently, I received  lot of praises  for the powerpoint presentation that focused on grammar for std III. Parents and co- workers as well as the heads of institution praised me a lot . Thus this became the most memorable day of my life. This gesture has in turned boosted my self esteem.

   Name: Prajakta Govilkar      Date: 7/29/2015 1:30:49 PM

   A day in the life of a teacher can vary greatly depending on the subject and the grade level in which they teach, be it from kindergarten to highschool. Their job does not end with end of the school day. Although standing in front of classroom is a huge part of teacher's responsibilities, it extends far beyond into the lives of their students.

   " Never tell children what to think, tell them how to think "

   Name: Mangesh Khandekar      Date: 7/25/2015 11:29:59 AM

   We really appreciate the session that City Pride School had arranged for the students at IUCCA. It is very rare that scientist of the stature of Sir Jayant Naralikar spends time with students and it was great opportunity for students to see  Sir Jayant Naralikar in person and listen to him. As a parent we are thankful to the School Management for the excellent opportunity provided for School students.


   Regards/ Mangesh Khandekar.

   Name: Sourabh Shah      Date: 7/3/2015 3:22:12 PM

   The online fees payment through Topschool Interactive software is very useful. Thanks to the school management for this initiative.

    Sourabh Shah

   Name: JAGRUTI BHANDARI      Date: 7/1/2015 12:24:51 PM



I appreciate that the school management considered our request and on understanding our difficulty allotted a big room on the ground floor for Art and Craft. This year it was further extended allowing more space for the fashion designing section, thereby giving us the necessary space.

When due to a knee injury I could not go to the classrooms, Ashwini Madam  and Maya Madam showed a great deal of concern and permitted me to take the classes on the ground floor in Art Room. These kind gestures by the Heads have truly touched me and I am very happy to be a member of the City Pride Family. I am also moved by the help rendered by my colleagues and Sarika Tai. I am grateful to all of them.

Jagruti M Bhandari.

   Name: Yogita S. Vishwakarma      Date: 6/30/2015 6:22:35 PM

Hi Everyone!!!

I am feeling so proud and privileged to write and share my experience on my school's official blog.

My journey here, so far has been very short compared to my previous teaching experience, even then I feel as if I've been here since long!!! This shows that working environment and people here are not only bounded with motions (work) but as well as emotions which are the key factor for the educational Institutes specially for the kids.

   Unmatched quality is maintained here with such a dedicated staff, always backed by a very-very cool minded, professional principal to ensure things are done right- each time, again and again, along with the solid support of our directors, focused on our goals.

Proud CPSians

Yogita Vishwakarma

   Name: Sakina Bootwala      Date: 6/30/2015 11:05:08 AM

   Greetings to CPS parents!


   Recently in Class VI, as we were learning about components of food basically vitamins and minerals an idea struck me to make it interactive.So, I planned a  Role-play activity. The whole class was divided into 15 groups of three students each(6 minerals and 9 vitamins).Each group of three students were given the role of a patient,doctor and dietician.The patient would visit the doctor the symptoms he/she is experiencing of the deficiency diseases of that particular vitamin/mineral.The doctor in the group diagnoses the deficiency disease and prescribes the sources of food to be included in the dietand asks the patient to consult the dietician.The dietician advises the patient to include the sources of food rich in that particular vitamin or mineral and explains why he/she  should eat them(functions).The class enjoyed the whole activity and performed their roles very well.We really have some good actors among our children.At the end  we summarised the session with a fruitful discussion.I would definitelylike to plan such interactive activities in future too.

   Name: Philicina Thakur      Date: 6/30/2015 11:01:23 AM


   Each moment of being a teacher in City Pride School is worth cherishing and needs no special occasion.  I being a pre-primary teacher teach these little blooming buds the beginning of their playful and educational activities. Their responsiveness, eagerness to learn, emotional attachment with teacher, as well as friends have really left us back in our lives. Even if they are little kids, there is lot to learn from them.  They too can be the role model to someone.  If blooming buds are guided on right path they can beautiful flowers of tomorrow. 

    "Try to see the world through the eyes of a child as their eyes are not yet cynical nor sceptical. Eyes that marvel at everything they see".  The lessons we learn from children about life are so much important than the lessons we teach them.

                                                                                                                                                   Mrs. Philicina Thakur


   Name: Mrs. Sumita Bhattacharya      Date: 6/30/2015 10:31:55 AM

   Mrs.Sumita Bhattacharya                                                                                                                                                      30.6.15

         It gives me an immence pleasure to share and thank the breakfast committee Head Mrs. Trupti Pardhe for making an innovative arrangement in breakfast .Normally with idli ,chutney is  served which most of our darling students did not enjoy much but on 24.6.15 there was a twist with idle instead of chutney samber was served and entire students those who opt for breakfast and the staff relished the break .I thank Trupti miss for your thought given as a motherly feeling.

   Name: Mrs Trupti Pardhe      Date: 6/29/2015 3:42:26 PM

   I have been teaching Std I for the past nine years. I find that the  level of maturity in these tiny tots has increased.

   This year's batch of std I adjusted to the new timings and other changes with great ease. I find that they show a great deal of concern for each other.

   The values of sharing and caring have been imbibed by them in a matter of a very short time.

   I wish to convey my heartfelt love to my dear children.


   Name: Samruddhi Chatur      Date: 6/29/2015 3:10:39 PM

   It is a wonderful experience teaching in City Pride School. My pleasure increases as we see the result of our dear children. Our children are climbing the ladder of success every year. This year too our children have scored very well in the Government Scholarship exam and the IPM (Institute for Promotion of Mathematics).  Jhanve Rane from std IV has secured 290/ 300 it was really remarkable result, and 9 of our students have scored 100/ 100 in Engish. Over all the result was remarkable. In the IPM exam 90 students from std 2 - 9 have been selected for the Mega final exam. It is a wonderful result. I feel proud saying that from the same exam we have been get the "Best School" runner up award from last two years. I look forward for the same this year. 


   Name: Leena Jadhav      Date: 6/29/2015 11:59:38 AM

   City Pride School believes in introducing novel ideas and concepts regularly. It is in keeping with the modern trends and demands of the high tech world. Innoventure was one competition where I had the pleasure to attend as a parent and also witness how our children excel when it comes to presentations and creatinfg ideas. We won the second prize and also the prize for being 21st Century friendly school. Now that's something isn't it? This year too we have new ideas lined up for children. As a teacher here there's nnever a dull moment. The Management, our dear Heads are all power houses and in the event we too get charged to hone our skills and talents . As parent of a sixth grader, I am totally satisfied with new books, worksheets, methods of teaching. I am quite overwhelmed and as such have the school to thank for.

   Good Day

   leena Jadhav

   Name: Jayapal Nair      Date: 6/6/2015 5:27:17 PM



   Our daughter, Devika Nair, passed out of STandard 10 this year with flying colours. We are thankful to the school management, Principal, Headmistress, all teachers and office staff for all the sincere and result oriented efforts put in by them. The school provided the best possible guidance and infrastructure to all kids to ensure that they were kept abreast of the latest in study techniques and tools. This helped in continuing with the success achieved last year, although on a smaller scale. This school has undoubtedly emerged as a centre for excellence, living up to its motto - Reaching new heights. We do not find any other institute paying such  attention to every minute aspect of the kids's education and overall development. Kudos to the entire team. Another point I want to highlight is the promptness with which the school issued all necessary documents like the LC, marksheet etc. to the kids without any delay. We see students and parents of almost every other school running from pillar to post desperately for these documents and proper guidance. Parents and kids of CITYPRIDE SCHOOL are a fortunate lot indeed. I am sure the school and its caring ways will only get better and better with each passing year. 

   Looking forward to many more years of such fruitful association with this great team.

   with sincere thanks

   Jayapal Nair

   Name: Komala Rekha Rallapalli      Date: 2/28/2015 8:04:51 AM

There are so many moments, it's actually hard to pick one. I have been here for about an year and I have enjoyed my time while at it. My experience here made me more organized and efficient. I have a great batch of wonderful little students who have taught me many things this year. There is no greater reward than to see a child learning, to master the concepts that have been a challenge for weeks.

These are truly wonderful moments I cherish being in City Pride school. 

   Name: Shweta Bhosale      Date: 2/25/2015 10:15:47 AM

Being a pre primary teacher, I teach my little ones wonders of books but honestly these little angles have taught me a lot. When they show some creativity, I have learned that it cures the mental lethargy. When they listen,   they have taught me that “an open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart”. Their enthusiasm reflects that it inspires confidence and raises moral. The courtesy they show in their little act has shown   me that it cost a little but pays a lot. When they help each other it has passed a divine message to me that “Do something for somebody, somewhere while jogging along life’ road. Help someone to carry his burden and lighter will grow your load”.

           Life has now become more fascinating for me than before, my little angles have made me a better person and I have started living with more enthusiasm.

                            “Love life, have fun, never underestimate the power, potential and possibilities of human spirit”. After all life is really a blast.



   Name: Mrs.Sheetal Sawant      Date: 2/13/2015 12:38:24 PM


Today I feel very proud about my class children. This year my class II peace conducted a class assembly and the theme we took was " Giving joy to others". They presented a skit about a boy Abhishek whose parents inspire him to celebrate his birthday with orphange children. So he celebrates by giving them some books, gifts and sweets. This message of giving joy to others inspired most of the students in the school. Many students from various classes came and shared that, they would also like to celebrate their birthday in a different way giving joy to less fortunate.

         I am glad that my children were able to spread this message successfully.


Image result for images of joy of giving


   Name: Poonam Dinesh Dhamale      Date: 1/30/2015 11:40:21 PM

It's my first year in City Pride School as a Mother Teacher of IInd Peace. It has been a great experience for me. Being with children is a lot of fun. They are very innocent and lovable. They perform so well in the annual concert that, it really moved me. The theme was shades of happiness. Our children took up the theme of spreading happiness through the inspiration of Charlie Chaplin. They performed a shadow act and at that young age their performance was amazing.

I truly cherish their endearing qualities and have formed a deep bond with them.


Poonam Dhamale


Mother Teacher IInd Peace  

   Name: Kausar Muke      Date: 1/30/2015 3:52:25 PM

   Its my first year in City Pride School  as mother teacher of Std - II Love. I find a great deal of change in my students over the period of this academic year. I feel touch when they come to me and share their feelings or certain anecdotes in their lives.  I have grown very fond of them, and can see them growing or rather blooming , getting ready to step into the next class, Std -III . My prayers and love shall always be with them.

   Name: Sarika Uplanchiwar      Date: 1/30/2015 11:40:27 AM

   City Pride School organises "Cyber Champ" Competition every year. However being a new computer teacher in this school, it was my first experience. And what a great experience it was! The challenge of being a part of organising it, the teamwork and efforts that goes into holding such a competition were new to me and i enjoyed every moment of it. No doubt the competition was a grand success with all the participating schools looking forward for the next Cyber Champ. It was a great learning experience for me which will definitely help me in future.

   Name: Deepali Patil      Date: 1/30/2015 10:55:46 AM

   Date:30.01.15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It is said,''EVERY CHILD SHOULD HAVE A CARING ADULT IN THEIR LIVES.AND THAT'S NOT ALWAYS A BIOLOGICL PARENT OR FAMILY MEMBER.IT MAY BE A FRIEND OR NEIGHBOUR.OFTEN IT IS TEACHER.'' However,i would like to say that in my life it's my little kids of KG section that has taught me to love and care.Their caring and possessive nature for their teacher and peers has taught me to be like them.......always so innocent and forgiving.........!!!                                                                                                                                                      

   Mrs  Deepali  Patil                                          

   Name: Saroj Chouhan      Date: 1/30/2015 10:53:04 AM

   Name: Saroj Chouhan                                                                                                                     Date:30.01.2015

   I am appointed as fashion designer teacher in city pride school in the year 2014-2015.As this is my first experience of working in a school set up.I enjoy each and every part of my work

   work   but the most memorable part of my workwas the Annual day celebration .Which took place on 15 december 2014.This was the day wher my children had designed their own garment foe the fashion show.Which had a great variety was admired by all.The fashion show and the garment planned me and my collegue miss Riya Gumaste .were amazing and the show went on successfully with loud round of applause.This is the most memorable day of my life to cherish.Fashion show was also aooreciated by Our chairman Mr.Jambekar sir and all the parents.This indad was a grate reward for me.



   Name: Mrs.Dipannita Ghosh Mitra      Date: 1/30/2015 8:11:44 AM

   NAME: Mrs.Dipannita  Ghosh  Mitra                                                                                                                        Date:30.01.2015





   It  gives   me  pleasure   to  share  my   experience  in   the  field  of  teaching. It's   my   first  experience   teaching  the   little  ones  of  Std. I  and  Std.II  where   I  could  feel  that  they  accepted   me   as   a   good  friend   and    shared  most  of  their  personal  things   and   co-related  most  of  their  things   with    their   parent.

   This   gives me good  feeling  to  make   a  place  in   their   little  heart  as  a  mother.   I adore all  the students.


   Mrs.Dipannita  Ghosh  Mitra

   Name: Amruta Dike      Date: 1/22/2015 1:03:46 PM



   As a parent of City Pride School I really appreciate the efforts taken by LKG Staff to train our children in various activities.Teachers shape the minds of our children and hence their future.My child Anish Dike has started expressing himself in english very well. His phonetics and overall understanding has improved a lot. I personally thank Shweta Miss and Prajakta Miss for inspiring the children to take up new activities. You are the role models for our children. Keep up the good work!!!!

   Amruta Dike

   Name: Vaishali Hargude      Date: 12/23/2014 9:48:02 AM


   Children’s day is always celebrated in a very different way in CPS. Here the teacher’s perform for the students and make it very special. Students also wait eagerly to see their teacher’s perform and  carry these sweet memories  forever. This time though, we teacher’s got very less time to prepare each and every teacher tried to  give her best. I dressed up as a student in the school uniform  for the fashion show  with those typical two plaits and an  I card around the neck. I remembered the days of my own school. The Children appreciated and applauded very loudly . All of us enjoyed the children’s day thoroughly and made a memorable one.

   Name: Pravin Kakade, Dr. Vaishali Kakade      Date: 12/17/2014 10:36:10 PM

   Many thanks to the school management, teachers, children, support staff and volunteers for the splendid annual concert. We enjoyed the programs and the children's performance was execellent. The theme of Happiness was well expressed in the phrase 'Happiness is by choice and not by results.'

   Also the system of buying costumes is convenient for all and was economical too.

   Name: Amit      Date: 12/13/2014 10:37:45 AM

   City Pride School is doing great job and itsstaffis great and take careofstudents very well.